Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Acc.No 30500 to 30999

Acc.No Author Title Publications Call.No
30500 Halder, Biplab Services marketing : concepts and practices Tata Mcgraw Hill 380.1
30501 Varma, Jayanth Rama Derivatives and risk management Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
30502 Reddy, P N Principles of Management Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.015
30503 Jaffe, Jeffrey   Corporate finance Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
30504 Mathews, Alex k and  Financial services and system Tata Mcgraw Hill 332.17
30505 Cornett, Marcia Millon Financial markets and institutions : An introduction to the risk management approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 332.64
30506 Dominick, Joseph R Mass media research : processes, approaches and applications Cengage learning 001.4
30507 Kamath, M V The journalists handbook Vikas Publishing House 070.4
30508 Saxena, Sunil Web journalism 2.0 Tata Mcgraw Hill 070.4
30509 frazier, William C  Food microbilogy Tata Mcgraw Hill 664.001579
30510 Belitz, H D Food chemistry Springer Publishers 540.6413
30511 jacquette, Dale Journalistic ethics : Moral responsibility in the media Pearson Education 070.4
30512 Baren, stanley  J Introduction to mass communication:media literacy and culture Mc Graw hill 302.23
30513 Rajagopal, M V Fundamentals of foods ,nutrition and diet therepy New age international 613.2
30514 Sreelakshmi, B Food Science New age international 641.3
30515 Shadaksharasawamy, M and  Foods facts and principles New age international 641.3
30516 Raheena Begum Atext book of food, nutricion and dietics Sterling
30517 Sivasankar, B Food processing and preservation Sterling Publishing House 613.2
30518 Joshi, Shubhangini A Nutrition and dietetics with Indian case studies PH I Learning 641.4
30519 Andrews, Sudhir Text book of food and beverage management Tata Mcgraw Hill 613.2
30520 Andrews, Sudhir Food and beverage service ; A Training manual Tata Mcgraw Hill 641.2
30521 Sunetra, Roday Food science and nutrition Oxford University Press 613.2
30522 Bali, Parvinder S Food production operations Oxford University Press 641.303
30523 Bartle, Rober Gardener  Introduction to real analysis John Wiley & sons 515.8
30524 Apostol, Tom M Introduction to analytic number theory Narosa Publishing House 512.73
30525 Joshy, K D Introduction to General Topology New age international 514.322
30526 Apostol, Tom M Mathematical analysis Narosa Publishing House 515
30527 Kreyszig, Erwin Introductory Functional Analysis with application Wiley Eastern Pub 515
30528 Bhat, B Ramdas Modern probability theory: An introductory text book New age international 519.201 0904
30529 Bhamra, K S Partial differential equations An intrductory treatment with applications PH I Learning 515.353
30530 Sankara Rao, K Introduction to partial differential equations Prentice Hall of India 515.353
30531 Lay, David C linear algebra and its applications Pearson Education 512.5
30532 Royden, H L Real Analysis Prentice Hall of India 515.8
30533 Fraleigh, John B First course in abstract algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.02
30534 Fraleigh, John B A First course in abstract algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.02
30535 Hoffman, Kenneth  Linear Algebra Pearson Education 512.5
30536 Krantz, Steven G   Differential equations ,theory technique,and practice Tata Mcgraw Hill 515.35
30537  Ahlfors, Lars V Complex analysis:an introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable Tata Mcgraw Hill 515.93
30538 Biswal, Purna chandra Ordinary differntial equations PH I Learning 515.352
30539 Scheid, Francis Numerical analysis Tata Mcgraw Hill 519.4
30540 Thomas, George B Thomas calculus Pearson Education 515.15
30541 Narayan, Shanti A text book of matrices S Chand 512.9434
30542 Coddington, Earl A An introduction to ordinary differential equations PH I Learning 515.352
30543 Prasad, Devi Advanced calculus Pearson Education 515
30544 Folland, Gerald B Advanced calculus Pearson Education 515
30545 Apostol, Tom M Calculus : one variable calculus with an introduction to linear algebra Wiley Eastern Pub 515
30546 Apostol, Tom M Calculus Wiley Eastern Pub 515
30547 Anton, Howard Calculus Wiley Eastern Pub 515
30548 Bradley, Gerald L Calculus Pearson Education 515
30549 Spiegel, Murray R Complex variables Tata Mcgraw Hill 515.9
30551 Dummit, David S Abstract algebra Wiley Eastern Pub 512.02
30552 Deo, Narsingh graph theory with applications to engineering and computer science Prentice Hall of India 511.5
30553 Mital K V, Mohan C Optimisation methodes in operations reserch and systems Analysis New age international 003.
30554 Chakrabarti, Aloknath A first course in linear algebra Vijay nicole imprint 512.5
30555 Balakrishnan, V K Theory and Problems of Graph theory Tata Mcgraw Hill 511.5
30556 Boor, Carl de Elementary numerical analysis Tata Mcgraw Hill 519.4
30557 Lipschutz, Seymour Probability Tata Mcgraw Hill 519.2
30558 Ross, Kenneth A Discrete mathematics Pearson Education 513.2
30559 Rosen, Kenneth H Discrete mathematics & its application with combinatorics and graph theory Tata Mcgraw Hill 513.2
30560 Asmar, Nakhle H Partial differential equations with fourier series and boundary value problems Pearson Education 515.352
30561 Bhatia, Gigyasa Complex analysis Dorling Kindersley 515.9
30562 Basu, A k Measure theory and probability PH I Learning 515.42
30563 Basu, A k Measure theory and probability PH I Learning 515.42
30564 Chartrand, Gary  Introduction to graph theory Tata Mcgraw Hill 511.5
30565 Ahsan, Zafar Differential equations and their applications PH I Learning 515.35
30566 Bathul, Shahnaz Special functions and complex variables PH I Learning 515.5
30567 Biswas, Suddhendu Text book of matrix algebra PH I Learning 512.9434
30568 Shepley, Ross Differential Equations wiley 515.35
30569 Nirmala, P Ratchagar    Trasforms and partial differential equations Scitech 515.353
30570 Manchanda, P  Siddiqi, A H A first course in differential equations with applications Macmillan 515.35
30571 Childs, Lindsay N A concrete introduction to higher algebra Springer Publishers 512.7
30572 Barnard, S Child, J  M Higher algebra A I T B S 512
30573 Ganesh, M Introduction to fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic PH I Learning 511.322
30574 Klir, George J Fuzzy sets and   fussy logic :Theory and applications Prentice Hall of India 511.322
30575 Agarwal, D C Tensor calculus and riemannian geometry Krishna prakashan 515.63
30576 Lipschutz, Seymour Theory and problems of set theory and related topics Tata Mcgraw Hill 511.322
30577 narayan, Shanti A text book of vector calculus S Chand 515.63
30578 Loney SL, SL Plane trigonometry Paper I , An elementry coures excluding the use of imaginery quantities Arihant prakasan 516.242
30579 loney, S L The Elements of coordinates Geometry Part I Cartesion coordinate AITBS Pub 516.16
30580 Khan, R M Analytical geometry of two and three dimensions and vector analysis New Central Book Agency 516
30581 Singh, Surjeet Linear Algebra Vikas Publishing House 512.5
30582 Gilbert, William J modern algebra with applications Wiley Eastern Pub 512
30583 Rudin, Walter Principles of mathematical analysis Mc grawhill 515
30584 Dossey, John A Discrete mathematics Pearson Education 513.2
30585 Zimmermann, H J Fuzzy Set Theory and its applications Allied Publishers 511.322
30586 Manohar, R Discrete mathematical structures with applications to computer science Tata Mcgraw Hill 510.240901
30587 Asmar, Nakhle H Calculus and its applications Pearson Education 515
30588 Das, A N A course of calculus New Central Book Agency 515
30589 Ram, Babu Discrete mathematics Pearson Education 513.2
30590 Ramaswamy, V Discrete mathematical structures with applications to combinatorics University press 513.2
30591 Chandrasekharaiah, DS Graph theory and combinatorics Prism books 511.5
30592 Clapham, Christopher The concise oxford dictionary of mathematics Oxford University Press 510.3
30593 Patnaik, Rabindra kumar Introduction to Differential equations PH I Learning 515.35
30594 Coddington, Earl A Theory of ordinary differential equations Tata Mcgraw Hill 515.352
30595 Hadley, G Linear algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.5
30596 Pandian, Punithabathy Security analysis and port folio management Vikas Publishing House 332.6
30597 Charles Maurice, S Managerial economics Tata Mcgraw Hill 338.5
30598 Koontz, Harold Essentials of management : an international and leadership perspective Tata Mcgraw Hill 658
30599 Arora, M N Cost accounting principles and practice Vikas Publishing House 657.42
30600 Gillett, Billy E Introduction to Operation Reserch : A Computer Oriented Algorithimic Approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 003
30601 Bhattacharyya, Debarshi Management accounting Pearson Education 658
30602 Pandey, I M Financial management Vikas Publishing House 658.15
30603 Ehsanes Saleh,  An introduction to probability and statistics Wiley Eastern Pub 519.2
30604 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30605 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30606 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30607 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30608 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30609 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30610 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30611 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2013
30612 Bookhives,  CSIR-UGC Chemical science Bookhive 540.76
30613 Jain, T S Upkars bank clerical cadre recruitment exam Upakar 371.26
30614 Brown, T A Gene cloning and DNA analysis : An introduction John Wiley & sons 572.8633
30615 Primrose, S B  Principles of gene manipulation and genomics Blackwell 660.65
30616 Cummings, Michael R  Concepts of Genetics Pearson Education 576.5
30617 Dash, M C Fundamentals of Ecology Tata Mcgraw Hill 577
30618 Bhatia, SS Complete biology Tata Mcgraw Hill 570.76
30619 Black, Jacquelyn G Microbiolgy John Wiley & sons 579
30620 Pratt, Charlotte Principles of biochemistry John Wiley & sons 572
30621 Karp, Gerald Cell biology Wiley Eastern Pub 571.6
30622 Voet, Donald Biochemistry John Wiley & sons 572
30623 Peter snustad, D Gentics John Wiley & sons 576.5
30624 Berg, Jeremy M Biochemistry Macmillan 572
30625 Hotchkiss, Joseph H  Food science CBS Publishers & Distributers 641.3
30626 Srilakashmi, B Dietetics New age international 613.2
30627 Hoffmann, Frank  Herbal medicine and botanical medical fads Viva Books 581.634
30628 EL Bassam, N Energy plant species James and james 572.43
30629 Blewitt, John The ecology of learning ;sustainability, lifelong learning and aeveryday life Earthscan 333.72
30630 schlegel, Rolf H J Encyclopedic dictionary of plant breeding and related subjects Viva Books 631.5203
30631 Ram, Mahabal Fundamentals of cytogenetics and genetics PH I Learning 571.6
30632 frazier, William C  Food microbilogy Tata Mcgraw Hill 664.001579
30633 tendulkar, Vijay Silence : the court is in session Oxford University Press 822TEN
30634 Balasubrahmanian, T English Phonetics for Indian Students a work book Macmillan 421.58
30635 Barry, Peter Begining theory: An introduction to litertary and cultural theory Viva Books 801.95
30636 Krishnaswamy, N   Modern applied linguistics Macmillan 410
30637 Priyamvada, Gopal The Indian english novel ;Nation ,History,and narration Oxford University Press 823
30638 Patke, Rajeev S post colonial poetry in english Oxford University Press 821.09
30639 Kamala, Das The old playhouse and other poems Orient longman Ltd 821.008KAM
30640 Sanders, Andrew The short oxford history of english literature Oxford University Press 820.9
30641 Abrams, M H   A handbook of literary terms Cengage learning 423
30642 Varshney, Radhey L An introductory text book of linguistics and phonetics Student store 428.3
30643 Meenakshi, Raman   Effective english communication Tata Mcgraw Hill 420.14
30644 Taylor, Grant English Conversation practice Tata Mcgraw Hill 825.6
30645 Dhanavel, S P English language teaching in India :The shifting paradigms Tata Mcgraw Hill 420.7054
30646 Sinclair, Christine Grammar : a friendly approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 425
30647 Hosler, Mary Margaret English made easy Mc grawhill 428.02465
30648 Dona, J Young Business english: WRITING FOR THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE Tata Mcgraw Hill 808.06665
30649 Catherine, Walter Oxford english grammar course Oxford University Press 425
30650 Meenakshi, Raman Effective english communication Tata Mcgraw Hill 420.14
30651 Niblock, Sarah Journalism : a beginner's guide One world 070.4
30652 Clara, zawawi Public relatioons : Theory and practice Allen andunwin 659.2
30653 Anne, Gregory Public relations in practce Kogan page 659.2
30654 Wenger, Andreas International relations : from the cold war to the globalized World Viva Books 327
30655 Pearson, Mark The journalists guide to media law Allen and Unwin 343.94099
30656 Johnston, Jane Media relations Issues and strategies Allen and Unwin 302.23
30657 Barrett, Louise Evolutionary psychology : a beginners guide human behaviour, evolution and the mind One World 155.7
30658 John, Steve Public affairs in practice ; a practical guide to lobbying Kogan page 351
30659 Mcfadyen, Ian Mind Wars ; the battle for your brain Allen and Unwin 576.8
30660 Foster, John Effective Writing skill for public relations Kogan page 421.1
30661 Keith, Kenneth D Hand book of psychology : History, perspectives, and applications Viva Books 150
30662 Beins, Bernard C Hand book of psychology;Methods and measurements Viva Books 150
30663 Kerchner, Michael Hand book of psychology: Brain and mind Viva Books 150
30664 Beins, Bernard c Handbook of psychology : Larning and thinking Viva Books 150
30665 Shelley, Lynn M Handbook of psychology : developmental psychology Viva Books 150
30666 Carlson, Janet F Handbook of Psychology: personalityand abnormal psychology Viva Books 150
30667 Holmes, Jeffrey D Hand book of psychology : Social psychology Viva Books 150
30668 Mangal, S K Advanced educational psychology Prentice Hall of India 370.15
30669 Naima, Khatoon Health psychology Pearson Education 613
30670 Sunetra, Roday Food hygiene and sanitation with case studies Mc grawhill 641.3
30671 Chaudhuri, Santanu Sinha Learn english : a fun book of functional language grammar and vocabulary Mc grawhill 425
30672 Kellogg, Ronald T Fundamentals of cognitive pschology Sage 150
30673 Narayana Rao, S Counciling and Guidence Tata Mcgraw Hill 361.06
30674 Harris, Geoffrey  Practical newspaper reporting Sage 070.41
30675 Behera, Navnita Chadha Women and migration in Asia: Gender, conflict and migration Sage 305.906914
30676 Harcup, Tony Journalism ;principles and practice Sage Publication 070.4
30677 Bagozzi, Richard P    The social psychology of consumer behaviour Tata Mcgraw Hill 306.3
30678 Corby, Brian Applying research in social work practice Tata Mcgraw Hill 001.4
30679 Husain, Akbar Social psychology Pearson Education 150
30680 Meera, Ravi Counselling ,what,why and how Viva Books 361.06
30681 Mangal, S K General psychology Sterling Publishing House 150
30682 skinner, Charles E Educational psychology Prentice Hall of India 370.15
30683 Blum, M L Naylor, J C Industrial psychology :its theoretical and social foundations CBS Publishers & Distributers 150.
30684 Parameswaran,  E G  Experimental psychology Neelkamal 150
30685 Gupta, Shashi Kant Indianethos in Shobhaa de's works Atlantic Publishers 823.009
30686 Sharma, R S Economic history of early India Viva Books 330.954
30687 Gupta, G S Macro economics : theory and applications Tata Mcgraw Hill 339.01
30688 Mansfield, Edwin Micro economics Viva Books 338.5
30689 Hall, Robert E Macro economics :Economic growth, fluctuations and policy Viva Books 339
30690 Shaughnessy, John J  Essentials of research methods in psychology Tata Mcgraw Hill 150.72
30691 Datar, Sudha Skill training for social workers : manual Sage Publication 361.30683
30692 Mukhopadhyay, Amites Social movements in India Pearson Education 303.48454
30693 Ciccarelli, Saundra K  Psychology Pearson Education 150
30694 Santrock, John W Adolescence Tata Mcgraw Hill 305.23
30695 Elizabeth, B Hurlock Child development Tata Mcgraw Hill 305.231
30696 King, Richard A Introduction to psychology Tata Mcgraw Hill 150
30697 Elizabeth, B Hurlock Developmental psychology : alife-span approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 150.195
30698 Douglas Bernheim, B Micro economics Tata Mcgraw Hill 338.5
30699 Nordhaus, William D Macro economics Tata Mcgraw Hill 339
30700 Nagpal, Gyan Talent economics : the fine line between winning and losing the global war for talent Kogan page 658.3
30701 Elizabeth, B Hurlock Child development Tata Mcgraw Hill 305.231
30702 Kurose, James F   Computer networking Pearson Education 004.65
30703 Tanenbaum, Andrew S Computer networks Prentice Hall of India 004.65
30704 Rajaraman, V Fundamentals of computers Prentice Hall of India 004
30705 Dhamdhere, Dhananjay M Operating systems: A concept-Based approach Mc grawhill 005.43
30706 Radhakrishnan, T Computer organization and architecture PH I Learning 004.22
30707 Galvin, Peter Baer Operating System concepts John Wiley & sons 005.43
30708 Sorenson, Paul G   An introduction to data structures with application Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.7
30709 Kamthane, Ashok N Introduction to data structures in C Pearson Education 005.73
30710 Lipschutz, seymour   Data Structures Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.73
30711 Balasubramanian, D Computer installation and servicing Tata Mcgraw Hill 004.
30712 Dale, Nell C ++ plus data structures Jones and Bartlett 005.73
30713 Jamsa, Kris Cloud computing SaaS, PaaS ,LaaS, virtualization Business models , mobile Security and more Jones and Bartlett 004.5
30714 Allen, Richard Web development with Javascript and Ajax illuminated Jone & Bartlett 004.678
30715 jain, P K Financial management Tata Mcgraw Hill 657.95
30716 Hill, Charles W L Principles of management Tata Mcgraw Hill 658
30717 Khan, M Y Indian financial system Tata Mcgraw Hill 332.0954
30718 Bronson, Richard Operations research Tata Mcgraw Hill 003
30719 Chandra, Prasanna Financial management; theory and practice Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
30720 Unique Research Academy IBPS Common writing examination recruitment of specialist officers Unique pub. 1
30721 G K Publishers,  Staff selection commission combined graduate level  G K PUblishers 371.26
30722 Kautilya, K UGC/NET/JRF/SET Teaching and research aptitude Upakar 371.26
30723 Jain, Lal and  UGC/NET/JRF/ SET Teaching and research aptitude Upakar 371.26
30724 Raja, P Digital logic circuits Scitech 621.3815
30725 Bartee, Thomas C Digital Computer fundamentals Tata Mcgraw Hill 004.611
30726 Banerjee, Sanjay kumar Solid state electrnic devices Pearson Education 621.381
30727 Praveen, R V Quantitative aptitude and reasoning PH I Learning 513.076
30728 Thorpe, Edgar Test of reasoning : for competitive examinations Tata Mcgraw Hill 371.26
30729 Allen, Franklin Principles ofcorporate finance Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
30730 Pandey, Hari Mohan Java programming Pearson Education 005.262J
30731 Misra, `ITI saha Wireless communications and networks 3g and beyond Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.382
30732 Uma, Sekaran Organisational behaviour Tata Mcgraw Hill 658
30733 Thorpe, Edgar and  The pearson concise general knowledge manual 2014 Pearson Education 001
30734 Kumar, B V and  Web services : An introduction Tata Mcgraw Hill 004.678
30735 PMP, Sid kemp Quality management demystified Tata Mcgraw Hill 658
30736 Willard, Wendy Web design :A beginners guide Tata Mcgraw Hill 004.678
30737 Shekhar K C,   Banking theory and practice Vikas Publishing House 332.101
30738 Kuchhal, M C Mercantile Law Vikas Publishing House 343.08
30739 Anthony, Robert N Accounting : text and cases Mc grawhill 657
30740 Maheshwari RP,  Financial Accounting Vikas Publishing House 657.42
30741 Basheer, Az-Har Laws for business PH I Learning 346.07
30742 Bodhanwala, Ruzbeh J Understanding and analyzing balance sheets using excel worksheet PH I Learning 657.3
30743 Gayer, T ed Public finance Tata Mcgraw Hill 336
30744 Bookhive,  CSIR/UGC/NET/JRF/EL physical Science Bookhive 530.76
30745 Bookhive,  CSIR/UGC/NET/JRF/ EL Mathematical Science Bookhive 510.76
30746 Garg, Gopal UGC/NET/JRF/SET Economics Paper ii Upakar 330.76
30747 Lal, Jain Combined graduate level examination Upakar 371.26
30748 Kumar, A CSIR-UGC NET/JRF/SLET Mathematics Upakar prakashan 510.76
30749 Kumar, Sanjay State bank of India and associate banks clerical recruitment examination Unique Publishers 371.26
30750 Joon, Sanjeev Nationalised banks clerical examination Tata Mcgraw Hill 371.26
30751 Husain, Majid India and World Geography :physical ,Social Economic geography of India and the world Tata Mcgraw Hill 910.954076
30752 Lal, Jain Intelligence bureau Assistant central Intelligence officer recruitment exam Upakar 371.26
30753 Guruswamy, Mohan India China relations : The Border issue and beyond Viva Books 327.54051
30754 Thorpe, Edgar The pearson general studies manual 2009 Pearson education 001
30755 Thorpe, Edgar and  The pearson general studies manual 2009 Pearson education 001
30756 Rathod, G K Civil society : views and reviews Viva Books 323
30757 Green, December Comparative politics of the third world :linking cocepte and cases Viva Books 320.091716
30758 Krasno, Jean E The united nations : confrontingn the challenges of a global society Viva Books 341.23
30759 devotta, Neil Understanding contemporary India Viva Books 320.954
30760 Lewin, Cathy Theory and methods in social research Sage Publication 001.4
30761 Wasserman, Gary Politics in action : cases from the frontlines of American Government Pearson Education 320.473
30762 Malik, Mohan China and India : Great power rivals Viva Books 327.51054
30763 Mollison, Martha Producing videos : a complete guide Allen and Unwin 791.450232
30764 Chakrabarty, Bidyut Public administration in a globalizing World : theories and practices Sage 351
30765 Coutts, Larry M Applied social psychology : Understanding and addressing social and practical problems Sage Publication 150
30766 Shaughnessy, John J Essentials of research methods in psychology Tata Mcgraw Hill 150.72
30767 Mckie, Linda Families, violence and social change Tata Mcgraw Hill 306.85
30768 Sachdeva, Pardeep Public administration ; theory and practice Pearson Education 351.01
30769 Janmohamed, Abdul R Reconsidering social identification : race, gender, class and caste Routledge 305.3
30770 Schalkoff, Robert J Intelligent systems : principles, paradigms,and pragmatics Jone and Bartlett 625.794
30771 Bennett, Paul Abnormal and clinical psychology : an introductory text book Tata Mcgraw Hill 616.89
30772 Cook, Roy A Tourism : the  business  of travel Pearson Education 338.4791
30773 Evans, Brian Health psychology : theory ,research and practice Sage Publication 613
30774 Jha, Rajesh K Public administration in India Pearson Education 351.54
30775 Gregory, Anne Planning and managing public relations campaigns Kogan page 659.2
30776 Naima, Khatoon Health psychology Pearson Education 613
30777 Sidel, Joel L  Sensory evaluation practices Elsevier 664.072
30778 Long, A C Fish quality control by computer vision Cyber tech 664.94
30779 Smith, P G Introduction to food process engineering Springer Publishers 664
30780 Pandey, Sonam Lab manual of microbiology and biotechnology Anmol Publications 579.078
30781 Goldman, Emanuel Practical handbook of microbiology CRC  Press 579
30782 Klimchuk, Maranne Rosner Packing design : Successful product branding from concept to shelf Wiley Eastern Pub 664.09
30783 Bogh-Sorensen, Leif Food preservation techniques Woodhead 664.028
30784 Chauhan, Ashok K A text book of molecular biotechnology I K International 660.6
30785 Khatua, Prafull K Research methodology :concepts, methods,techniques and SPSS Himalaya Publishing House 001.4
30786 Shrivastava, Pradeep Encyclopedia of food technology: aquacultural engineering Discovery Publications 664.03
30787 Shrivastava, Pradeep Encyclopedia of food technology ;Canned foods Discovery Publications 664.03
30788 Shivastava, Pradeep Encyclopedia of food technology : Seafood technology Discovery Publications 664.03
30789 Shrivastava, Pradeep Encyclopedia of food technology : Technology of cereals fruits and vegetables Discovery Publications 664.03
30790 Shrivastava, Pradeep Encyclopedia of food technology : Techniques of food preservation Discovery Publications 664.03
30791 Khan, Shimran Encyclopaedia of chromatography Anmol Publications 664.0703
30792 Khan, Shimran Encyclopaedia of chromatography Anmol Publications 664.0703
30793 Jongen, Wim Fruit and vegitable processing : improving quality Woodhead 641.3
30794 Gopalani, Suresh Introduction to food chemistry Cyber tech 540.6413
30795 Sherwood, Linda M    Prescott's microbiology Mc grawhill 579
30796 Canon, Brier Fundamentals of food biotechnology Agrotech press 664.024
30797 srilakshmi, B Food science New age international 641.3
30798 Challoner, Jack 1001 inventions that changed the World Hachette book 608
30799 Dorling Kindersley,  Ultimate family visual dictionry Darling Kindersley books 413.1
30800 Hoiberg, Dale H Britanica reference encyclopedia Encyclopedia britannica 032
30801 Mathew, Mannarakam Poonjar : charithramuragunna punnyabhoomi Mannarathu college 954.83
30802 Mathew, Mannarakam Poonjar : charithramuragunna punnyabhoomi Mannarathu college 954.83
30803 Mathew, Mammen Manorama year book 2014 Malayala Manorama 050
30804 Wahab, M A Solid state physics: structure and properties of materials Narosa Publishing House 530.41
30805 Hayes, Thomas C Student manual for The art of electronics Cambridge University Press 621.381
30806 Somanathan Nair, B Digital signal processing : theory analysis and digital filter design PH I Learning 621.3822
30807 Khopkar, S M Environmental pollution analysis New age international 363.73
30808 Ball, David W The basics of spectroscopy PH I Learning 535.84
30809 Seiden, Abraham Particle physics : Acomprehensive introduction Pearson Education 539.72
30810 Boyd, Robert W Nonlinear optics Elsever 535.2
30811 Mchale, Jeanne L Molecular spectroscopy Pearson Education 539.6
30812 Mcquarrie, Donald A Mathematical methods for scientists and engineers Viva Books 530.15
30813 Ahluwalia, P K Computational physics New age international 005.362
30814 Bhattacharya, D K Solid state electronic devices Oxford University Press 621.381
30815 Joshi, Deep Chandra Introduction to quantum electrodynamics and particle physics I K International 537.6
30816 Singh,  S P Advance practical physics Pragati prakashan 530.078
30817 Ghosh, Samir kumar A text book of advanced practical physics New Central Book Agency 530.078
30818 Tyagi, BS Functions of a complex variable Kedar nath Ram Nath 515.9
30819 Nagaraj, P B Basic thermodynamics New age international 536.7
30820 gananapriya, c  Vallavaraj, A  Digital signal processing Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.3822
30821 Gilat, Amos MATLAB : An introduction with applications Wiley Eastern Pub 005.262
30822 Gupta, S L and Kumar, V Hand book of Electronics Pragati Prakashan 621.381
30823 Konishi, Kenichi and  Quantum mechanics : a new introduction Oxford University Press 530.12
30824 chandra, S Poorna and Electronics laboratory primer Wheeler Publishers 621.381078
30825 Sedha, R S A Text book of electronic circuits S Chand 621.3815
30826 Waghmare, Y R Fundamentals of quantum mechanics S Chand 530.12
30827 Ghoshal, S N Nuclear physics S Chand 539.7
30828 Deshmukh, Ajay V Microcontrollers : theory and applications Mc grawhill 004.165
30829 Gunavathi, K Numerical methods S Chand 519.4
30830 Kalsi,  H S Electronic instrumentation Mc grawhill 621.381
30831 Goodman, Danny Java script bible Wiley Eastern Pub 005.262
30832 Negrino, Tom Java script Pearson Education 005.262
30833 Adams, Steve Frontiers : twentieth century physics Taylor and Francis 530.01
30834 Nagoor Kani, A Digital signal processing Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.3822
30835 Hariharaputhran, Aranmula Ayurvedam kaikubilil C S N books 615.53
30836 Mark, Twain Best of Mark Twain Printline 823.TW A
30837 Mark, Twain Best of Mark Twain Print line 823TWA
30838 Mathews, P M and  Text book of quantum mechanics Mc grawhill 530.12
30839 griffiths, David J Introduction to quantum mechanics Pearson Education 530.12
30840 Chatwal G R,  Quantum Mechanics Himalaya Publishing House 530.12
30841 Srinath, L S Advanced mechanics of solids Tata Mcgraw Hill 530.41
30842 Gupta B D,  Mathematical Physics Vikas Publishing House 530.15
30843 Millman, Jacob  Pulse, digital, and switching wave forms Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.381537
30844 Sengupta, Prasad An introduction to electromagnetism Macmillan 537
30845 Singh, Jasprit Semiconductor devices : basic principles Wiley India 621.38152
30846 Palanisamy, P K Solid state physics Scitech 530.41
30847 Islam, SS Semiconductor physics and devices Oxford & IBH 621.38152
30848 Sharma, A K Semiconductor electronics New age international 621.38152
30849 Dittman, Richard H  Heat and thermodynamics Mc grawhill 536.7
30850 ghatak, Ajoy and  optical electronics Cambridge University Press 621.381
30851 Biswal,  S Essentials of electricity and magnetism Vishal Publications 537
30852 Sankara Rao, K Classical mechanics Prentice Hall of India 531
30853 Chandra, Suresh A text book of mathematical physics Narosa Publishing House 530.15
30854 Newton, Roger G The truth of science,physical theories and reality Viva Books 530
30855 Weinberg, Steven Gravitation and cosmology : Principles and application of the general theory of relativity John Wiley & sons 531.14
30856 Sakurai, JJ Advanced quantum mechanics Pearson Education 530.12
30857 keiser, Gerd Optical fibre communication Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.38275
30858 Srivastava, R K Quantum mechanics PH I Learning 530.12
30859 Chatterjee, Sanat Kumar Fundamental physics : an introduction Narosa Publishing House 530
30860 lahiri, Amithabha Quantum field theory Narosa Publishing House 541.28
30861 Garg, Jagadish B Nuclear physics : basic concepts Macmillan 539.7
30862 Davis, Bernard  Electronic communication Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.382
30863 Landau, L D  Course of theoretical physics : Fluid mechanics Elsevier 532
30864 Lifshitz, E M  Course of theoretical physics: Physical kinetics Elsevier 531.113
30865 Cheng, David K Field and wave electromagnetics Pearson Education 530.141
30866 Brennan, kevin F Introduction to semiconductor devices : for computing and telecommunications applications Cambridge University Press 621.38152
30867 Gupta, SC Thermodynamics Pearson Education 536.7
30868 Wong, Samuel S M Introductory nuclrar physics Prentice Hall of India 539.7
30869 Nag, P K Basic and applied thermodynamics Mcgraw hill 536.7
30870 Johnson, Johnny R Introduction to digital signal processing PH I Learning 621.3822
30871 Edminister, Joseph A  Electro magnetics Tata Mcgraw Hill 537
30872 Berg, Richard E   The physics of sound Pearson Education 534
30873 Sasikumar, P R Practical physics PH I Learning 530.078
30874 Gibilisco, Stan Electricity demystified Tata Mcgraw Hill 537
30875 Feynman, Richard P Feynman lectures on Physics Narosa Publishing House 530
30876 Tomar, Surekha CSIR/UGC/NET/JRF/SET physical science Upakar 530.76
30877 Chatterjee, Neil Enjoyable physics Vol 1:Newtonian mechanics Macmillan 530
30878 Thorpe, Edgar and  Pearson general knowldge manual 2014 Pearson Education 001
30879 Kottayam, M G University Q B I&II Semester degree examination 2014 M G University 070.594
30880 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2014 M G University
30881 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2014 M G University
30882 Kottayam, M G University Q B IV & VI Semester degree examination 2014 M G University 070.594
30883 Kottayam, MG University Q B I &II Semester P G Examination 2014 M G University 070.594
30884 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2014 M G University
30885 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2014 M G University
30886 Kottayam, M G University QB III & IV semester P G examination 2014 M G University 070.594
30887 Sanders, Andrew The short oxford history of english literature Oxford University Press 820
30888 Kulkarni, R K A Traveller in time Atlantic Publishers 801.95
30889 Alekar, Satish Collected plays of Satish Alekar Oxford University Press 822.008ALE
30890 Majumdar, Saikat Prose of yhe World; Modernism and the banality of empire Orient blackswan 808.80112
30891 lalita K, K tharu, Susie Women writing in India 600 BC to the present Oxford University Press 809.89287
30892 Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna An illustrated history of Indian liturature in english Permanent Black 820.54
30893 Madhavi, Apte A course in english communication PH I Learning 428
30894 Leela, Gandhi  Postcolonial theory : A critical introduction Oxford University Press 420.9
30895 Compton-rickett, Arthur A history of english literature UBS 820
30896 Radford, Andrew Linguistics: An introduction Cambridge University Press 410
30897 Odden, David Introducing Phonology Cambridge University Press 414
30898 Swan, Michael Practical Englisg Usage Oxford University Press 425
30899 Cowie, A P Oxford dictionary of english literature Oxford University Press 423.1
30900 Waite, Maurica Oxford paperback thesaurus Oxford University Press 423
30901 Lyons, John Language and Linguistics Cambridge University Press 410
30902 Woolf, Virginia A room of ones Own U B S Publishers 823VIR
30903 nagarajan, M S English literary criticism and theory : an introductory history Orient black swan 820.9
30904 Shaw, Bernard Arms and the Man U B S Publishers 822SHA
30905 Austen, Jane and  Emma Macmillan 823
30906 Lawarnce, D H The rainbow and women in love Macmillan 801.9509
30907 Punse, Devendra Objeetive engl;ish literature Rama brothers 820
30908 Sastri, P S Samuel Johnson preface to Shakespear Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 822.33
30909 Anand, Mulk Raj Untouchable Penguin Group 823ANA
30910 A K, Ramanujan and  Samskara Rite for a ded man Oxford University Press 823
30911 Seturaman, V S Practical criticism Macmillan 820.9
30912 Prakash, Ravendra Jonathan Swift ; The battle of the books Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 823.09
30913 Radha kumari, K A cocise history of english literature and languages Primus books 820.9
30914 Sreenivas Iyengar, K R Indian Writing in English Sterling Publishing House 820.54
30915 Kamala Das old play house and other poems orient logman 821
30916 Maciver, Angus Crossing the line and other stories hodder Gibsm 823.008MAC
30917 Meenakshi, Mukherjee Lets go home and othetr stories Orient blackswan 823.MEE
30918 Pattawayak, D P Multilingualism in India Orient longman 404.254
30919 Swan, Michael Oxford pocket basic english usage Oxford University Press 420
30920 Uma, Raman The magic flute ; Flok tales from all over India Ratna Sagar 398.07
30921 Day, Robert A How to write and publish a scientific paper Cambridge University Press 808.0665
30922 Hariprasad, M Communicative english Neelkamal 428
30923 Faulkner, William The sound and the fury Surjeet 823FAU
30924 Richardson, Samuel Pamela or virtue rewarded Surjeet 826RIC
30925 Barry, Peter Begining theory: An introduction to litertary and cultural theory Viva Books 801.95
30926 Conrad, Joseph Heart Of darkness U B S Publishers 823CON
30927 jane austin sense and sensibility union book 823
30928 Cambridge university,  Cambridge idioms dictionary Cambridge University Press 423.1
30929 Roe, Nicholas Romanticism Oxford University Press 820.9
30930 Bladick, Chris The oxford dictionary of literary terms Oxford University Press 423
30931 Mehrotra, Arvind krishna A concise history of Indian literature in english Permanent Black 891.409
30932 Kalu, Anthonia  C Anthology of African literature Viva Books 808.8996
30933 Gupta,  and Jain,  National defence academy and naval academy examination Upakar 371.26
30934 Garu,Anil Kumar M.C.A Test Upakar 4
30935 Bright, P S M B A entrance examination Bright 371.26
30936 Jain,  M B A Admission test Upakar 371.26
30937 Agarwal, Deepak M A T topic -wise solved papers Disha 658.076
30938 Bansal, P K Objectives computer science and information technology C Lmedia 004.76
30939 Green, Sharon Weiner Barrons G R E 2014 Galgotia Publishers 371.26
30940 Green, Sharon Weiner  Barrons G R E 2014 Galgotia Publishers 371.26
30941 Sharpe, Pamela J Barrons TOEFL IBT internet -based test Galgotia Publishers 371.26
30942 Kaplan,  SAT subject test Mathematics Level 1 Kaplan 510.76
30943 Agarwal, Deepak C M A T entrance guide Disha 371.26
30944 Joon, Sanjeev Complete guide for S S C Tata Mcgraw Hill 371.26
30945 Kumar, Vipin The pearson guid to S S C combind graduate level Pearson Education 371.26
30946 Knowledge group,  S S C combined Graduate level examination Knowldge group 371.26
30947 Thorpe, Edgar Quick reference general knowledge Pearson Education 001
30948 Thorpe Edgar, Showick Concise General Knowledge manuel Pearson Education 001
30949 Pearson,  State bank of India probationary officers recruitmaent examination Pearson 371.26
30950 goyal, Tarun Mathematics knowledge group 510.76
30951 goyal, Tarun Mathematics knowledge group 510.76
30952 Bookhive,  U G C Net/SLET ;Computer science Paper11& III C L Media 004.76
30953 Bansal, P K Objective computer science and information technology C L Media 004.76
30954 Unique,  I B P S : common written examination Unique Publishers 371.26
30955 Joon, Sanjeev IBPSCommon written examination clerical cadre recruitment Mc grawhill 371.26
30956 C L Media,  S B I probationary officers recuitment examination 2014 C L Media 371.26
30957 Jain, T S Associate banks of State bank probationary officers examination Upakar 371.26
30958 Upakar,  Bank clerical cadre common written exam Upakar 371.26
30959 Upakar,  Bank clerical cadre common written exam Upakar 371.26
30960 Knoweldge Group,  IBPS PO online entrance examination Knowledge Group 371.26
30961 Arora, N D Political science Mc grawhill 320
30962 Jigeesha,  History of Indian national movement Lexis Nexis 954
30963 Chopra, J K Indian administeration Unique Publishers 351.54
30964 Reddy, Krishna Indian history Tata Mcgraw Hill 954
30965 Reddy, Krishna Indian history Tata Mcgraw Hill 954
30966 laxmikanth, M Public administeration Tata Mcgraw Hill 351.076
30967 Husain, Majid India and World Geography :physical ,Social Economic geography of India and the world Tata Mcgraw Hill 910.954076
30968 Laxmikanth, M Governance in India Tata Mcgraw Hill 320.954
30969 Singh, Vikram Public administeration Dictionary Tata Mcgraw Hill 351.03
30970 Chand, Tara General studies 2015-Paper1 Mc grawhill 001
30971 Chand, Tara General studies 2015-Paper1 Mc grawhill 001
30972 Bhagat, Madhukar Kumar General studies for civil services preliminary examination Mc grawhill 001
30973 Khan, A R Objective general studies Tata Mcgraw Hill 001
30974 Bhagat, Madhukar General studies Paper11-2015 Mc grawhill 001
30975 Thorpe, Edgar general studies paper11-2015 Mc grawhill 001
30976 Thorpe, Edgar and  The pearson general studies Paper-1 -2015 Pearson Education 001
30977 Thorpe, Edgar and  The pearson general studies Paper-1 -2015 Pearson Education 001
30978 Lotia, Manahar    All about motherboard BPB Publishers 006.62
30979 lotia, Bijal  Modern all about Hard disk drive BPB Publishers 004.5
30980 Agrawal, Sachin Theory of computation Vikas Publishing House 004
30981 Nagsarkar, T K Circuits and networks : analysis, design, and synthesis Oxford University Press 621.38215
30982 Duck, Michael Data communications and computer networks for computer scientists and engineers Pearson Education 004.6
30983 Behl, Ramesh Information technology for management Mc grawhill 004
30984 Pearson,  Introduction to information technology Pearson Education 004
30985 Leon, Alexis and Fundamentals of information technology Vikas Publishing House 004
30986 Venkatesh, K Marketing information technology : concepts products ,services and intellectual property rights Mc grawhill 380.1
30987 Leon, Alexis and  Introduction to computers Vikas .004.
30988 Date, C J An introduction to data base systems Pearson Education 005.7
30989 Schildt, Herbert Java:The complete  reference j2setm Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262J
30990 Nadhani, Asok K Tally. ERP9 Training guide BPB Publishers 005.3
30991 Nadhani, Asok k Masstering Tally.ERP9 BPB Publishers 005.3
30992 Nadhani, Asok K   Implementing tally 9 B P B 005.3
30993 Agrawal, Sachin Theory of computation Vikas Publishing House 004
30994 Gottfried, Byron Programing with C Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262C
30995 Acharya, Tinku and  Information technology : principles and applications PH I Learning 004
30996 Nadhani, Asok k Masstering Tally.ERP9 BPB Publishers 005.3
30997  Balagurusamy, E Programming In ANSI C Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262
30998  Balagurusamy, E Programming In ANSI C Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262
30999  Balagurusamy, E Programming In ANSI C Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262

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