Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Acc.No 31000 to 31500

31000 Chandra, Suresh and  An introduction to mathematical physics Narosa Publishing House 530.15
31001 Naik, Pramod V Physics for Science and engineering Viva Books 530
31002 Gold Stein, Herbert and  Classical Mechanics Pearson Education 531
31003 Kittell, Charles Introduction to Solid state physics wiley  530.41
31004 Leonov, V S Quantum energetics :Theory of superunification Viva Books 537.67
31005 Chakrabarti, Pradipkumar and  Waves and acoustics New Central Book Agency 531.33
31006 Piperk, Joachim Semiconductor optoelectronic devices: introduction to physics and simulation Academic Press 621.38152
31007 Kulkarni, V W Atomic and nuclear physics Himalaya Publishing House 539.7
31008 Sykes, Peter Guide Book to Mechanism in organic Chemistry Orient longman Ltd 547
31009 McQuarrie, Donald A   Physical Chemistry : A molecular Approach Viva Books 541.3
31010 Patrick, Graham L An introduction to medicinal chemistry Oxford University Press 615.19
31011 Schmidt, Werner Optical spectroscopy in chemistry and life sciences : an introduction Wiley Eastern Pub 543.0858
31012 Douglas, Bodie E   Concepts and models of inorganic chemistry Oxford University Press 546
31013 Ahulwalia, V K  Organic reaction mechanism Narosa Publishing House 547.2
31014 Levine, Ira N Quantum Chemistry Prentice Hall of India 541.28
31015 Eliel, Ernest Steriochemistry of organic compounds wiley 547.1393
31016 Levenspiel, Octave Chemical reaction engineering Wiley Eastern Pub 541.39
31017 Carter, Robert L Molecular symmetry and group theory John Wiley & sons 541.22
31018 Carter, Robert L Molecular symmetry and group theory John Wiley & sons 541.22
31019 Kalsi, PS Sterio  Chemistry confermation and mechanism Wiley Eastern Pub 541.223
31020 March, Jerry  march's Advanced Organic Chemistry : Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure Wiley Eastern Pub 547
31021 Sorrel, Thomas N Organic Chemistry Viva Books Pvt Ltd 547
31022 Ghatak, K L A text book of organic chemistry: problem analysis PH I Learning 547
31023 Cotton, F Albert  Advanced inorganic chemistry : A comprehensive text Wiley Eastern Pub 546
31024 stevens, Malcolm P Polymer chemistry : an introduction Oxford University Press 547.7
31025 Singh, Jagdamba  Photochemistry and pericyclic reactions New age international 541.35
31026 Banwell, C N Fundamentals of Molecuar Spectroscopy Tata Mcgraw Hill 541.22
31027 Singh, Maya Shankar  Organic chemistry Pearson Education 547
31028 hunt, Andrew Chemistry A to Z Handbook Viva Books 540
31029 Vemulapalli, G K Physical Chemistry Prentice Hall of India 541.3
31030 Huheey, James E  Inorganic chemistry: principles of structure and reactivity Pearson 546
31031 Casida, L E Industrial Microbiology New age international 660.62
31032 Albert Cotton, F Chemical applications of Group theory John Wiley & sons 541.22015122
31033 Albert Cotton, F Chemical applications of Group theory John Wiley & sons 541.22015122
31034 Nasipuri, D Sterio chemistry of Organic compounds: Princioples and applications New age international 547.1223
31035 Nasipuri, D Sterio chemistry of Organic compounds: Princioples and applications New age international 547.1223
31036 Vogel, Mendhan J Text book of quantitative  chemical analysis Pearson Education 545
31037 Vogel, Mendhan J Text book of quantitative  chemical analysis Pearson Education 545
31038 Atkins, P W Shriver, DF Inorganic chemistry Oxford University Press 546
31039 Kalsi, P S Organic Reactions Sterio Chemistry and Mechanism New age international 547.1393
31040 Aggarwal, Renu and  Comprehencive practical Organic Chemistry Univeristies Press 547.078
31041 Wulfsberg, Gary Inorganic chemistry Viva Books 547
31042 Sinha, Pradeep K     Computer fundamentals,concepts systems applications BPB Publishers 004
31043 Norton, Peter Introduction to computers Tata Mcgraw Hill 004
31044 Norton, Peter Introduction to computers Tata Mcgraw Hill 004
31045 Gaonkar, Ramesh S Micro processor Archetectere programming and application with the 80-85 Penram international 004.165
31046 Dani, Asang and  Let us C# BPB Publishers 005.262C
31047 Kanetkar, Yashavant Graphics under C BPB Publishers .006.663
31048 lotia, Bijal Modern all about Hard disk drive BPB Publishers 004.5
31049 Burd, Stephen D Systems analysis design Cengage learning 005.1
31050 Gore, Marvin Elements of systems analysis Galgotia Publishers 004
31051 Balagurusamy, E Object oriented programming with C++ Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262
31052 Balaguruswami, E Object oriented programming with C++ Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.262
31053 Stallings, William Business data communications PH I Learning 004.6
31054 Stevens, Roger T Graphics programming in C BPB Publishers 006.663
31055 Tomasi, Wayne Electronic communication systems : fundamentals through Advanced Pearson Education 621.382
31056 Rappaport, Theodore S Wireless communications : principles and practice Pearson Education 621.382
31057 Forouzan, Behrouz A Cryptography and network security Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.82
31058 Anandkumar, A Fundamentals of digital circuits PH I Learning 621.3815
31059 Avadhani, P S Computer graphics Mc grawhill .006.6
31060 Anokwa, Kwadwo Mass communications : concepts -Case  approach cengage learning 302.2
31061 Baran, Stanley J Introduction to Mass Communication and Media Literacy and culture Mcgraw Hill 302.23
31062 Baran, Stanley J Introduction to Mass Communication and Media Literacy and culture Mcgraw Hill 302.23
31063 Nageswar Rao, S B and  Mass media laws and regulations Himalaya Publishing House 302.23
31064 Harris, Jan L I and  Critical theories of Mass media : then and now Tata Mcgraw Hill 302.2301
31065 Burton, Graeme Media and society : critical perspectives Tata Mcgraw Hill 302.23
31066 Kumar, Keval J Mass Communication in India Jaico Publishers 302.2054
31067 Bharucha, Erach Textbook of environmental studies University press 363.7363
31068 Sharma, Arun how to prepare for quantitative aptitude for the C A T Tata Mcgraw Hill 513.076
31069 Guha, Abhijit Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinatin Tata Mcgraw Hill 371.26
31070 Sharma,  J K Verbal, non verbal and logical reasoning Unique Publishers 371.26
31071 Balasingh, Roopkumar General english for competitive examinations Vijay Nicole imprint 425
31072 Thorpe, Edgar Test of reasoning : for competitive examinations Tata Mcgraw Hill 371.26
31073 Vikas,  Objective logical reasoning Vikas Publishing House 371.26
31074 Swaminathan,M Essentials of food and nutricition Bangalore Printing 613
31075 Shadaksharasawamy, M  Foods facts and principles New age international 641.3
31076 Deb, AC Comprehensible viva and practical biochemistry New Central Book Agency 572.078
31077 Haque, SS A Text book of biochemistry ( Theory cum practical) S Vikas & co 572
31078 Odum, Eugene P Fundamentals of Ecology Sounders Co 577
31079 Attwood, T K Introduction to bioinformatics Pearson Education 570.285
31080 Joseph, Benny Environmental studies Mc grawhill 577
31081 Misra, Harikesh N Managing natural resources : fouus on land and water PH I Learning 333.7
31082 Gardiner, Eldon J Principles of Genetics John Wiley & sons 576.5
31083 Subrahmanyam, N S Modern Plant Taxonomy Vikas Publishing House 578.012
31084 Bianchi, Donald E and  Cell and molecular biology Wiley Eastern Pub 571.6
31085 Sharma, OP Plant taxonomy Mc grawhill 580
31086 Longstaff, Alan Neuroscience Garland Science 616.8
31087 Daginawala,  H F and General microbiology Himalaya Publishing House 579
31088 Jayaraman, J Laboratory manual in biochemistry New age international 578.078
31089 Randhawa, S S A Text book of biochemistry S Vikas & Com 572
31090 Srinivas, Vittal R Bioinformatic :a modern approach PH I Learning 570.285
31091 Kumaresan, V Horticulture Saras Publications 635
31092 Anantharaman, M S Palaeontology: Evolution and animal distribution Vishal 560
31093 Chaudhari, H K Elementary principles of plant breeding Oxford & IBH 631.52
31094 Arumugam, N Immunology Saras Publications 616.079
31095 frazier, William C  Food microbilogy Tata Mcgraw Hill 664.001579
31096 Benjamin, Siny G Informatics and Bioinformatics G E M 570.285
31097 Ghosh, Biswajit Plant Tissue culture basic and applied University press 571.538
31098 Dash, M C and  Fundamentals of Ecology Tata Mcgraw Hill 577
31099 Hotchkiss, Joseph H  Food science CBS Publishers & Distributers 641.3
31100 Hotchkiss, Joseph H  Food science CBS Publishers & Distributers 641.3
31101 Shadaksharasawamy, M  Foods facts and principles New age international 641.3
31102 Desrosier, James N The technology of food preservation CBS Publishers & Distributers 664.028
31103 Wani, Imtiyaz Textbook of microbiology S Vikas 579
31104 Cowan, Marjorie Kelly Microbiology ;A systems approach Mc grawhill 579
31105 Sherwood, Linda M Prescott's microbiology Mc grawhill 579
31106 Rose, Shepley.L Differential equations Wiley Eastern Pub 515.35
31107 choudhary, B and  A first course in mathematical analysis Narosa Publishing House 515
31108 Moon, Todd k Error correction coding : mathematical methods and alogorithms Wiley Eastern Pub 511.43
31109 Hadley, G Linear algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.5
31110 Trivedi, Kishor shridharbhai Probability and statistics with reliability queuing and computer science applications Wiley Eastern Pub 519.5
31111 Ross, Sheldon M Stochastic processes Wiley Eastern Pub 519.23
31112 Fraleigh, John B First course in abstract algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.02
31113 Bhatt, B I and Vora, S M Stoichiometry Tata Mcgraw Hill 541.26
31114 Fraleigh, John B First course in abstract algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.02
31115 Ardema, Mark D Analytical dynamics : Theory and applications Kluwer academic 620.104
31116 Rosen, Kenneth H Discrete mathematics and its applications with combinatores and graph theory Mc grawhill 510.240901
31117 Ross, Timothy  J Fuzzy logic with engineering applications Wiley Eastern Pub 511.322
31118 Royden, HL Real analysis Prentice Hall of India 515.8
31119 Harary, Frank Graph theory Narosa Publishing House 511.5
31120 Krishnamurthy V,  An Introduction to Linear Algebra East West Press Pvt Ltd 512.5
31121 Brown, James Ward  Complex variables and applications Mc grawhill 515.
31122 Datta, KB Matrix and linear algebra Prentice Hall of India 512.9434
31123 Klir, George J Fuzzy sets and   fussy logic :Theory and applications Prentice Hall of India 511.322
31124 Thomas, George B Calculus and analytical geometry Addison Wesley 515.15
31125 Shirali, satish  An introduction to mathematical analysis Narosa Publishing House 515
31126 Zill, Dennis G Differential equations Cengage learning 515.35
31127 Lay, David C linear algebra and its applications Pearson Education 512.5
31128 Gilbert, William J modern algebra with applications Wiley Eastern Pub 512
31129 Thomas, George B Thomas calculus Pearson Education 515.15
31130 Cheney, Ward  Linear Algebra : theory and applications Jones and Bartlett 512.5
31131 Banerjee-Dube, Ishita A history of modern India Cambridge University Press 954.03
31132 Kosambi, Damoder Dharmanand Introduction to the study of indian history S Viswanathan 909
31133 Nilakanta Sastri, K A A history of south India Oxford University Press 954.8
31134 George V, Kallarackal Economic history of modern India Learners digital press 330.954
31135 Rosamma, Mathew Making modern Kerala Learnears digital press 954.83
31136 Corbridge, Stuart India economy politics society Oxford University Press 301.0954
31137 Maheshwari, Shriram Administrative thinkers Macmillan 351
31138 Meenakshi, Khanna Cultural history of medival India Social science press 954.01
31139 Menon, Dilip M Cultural history of modern India Social science press 954.01
31140 Trevelyan, O M English Social History Penguin Group 820
31141 Arnold, John H History : A very short introduction Oxford University Press 901
31142 Maheshwari, S R The machinery of governance in India Macmillan 320.954
31143 Maheshwari, S R Public administration in India Macmillan 351.54
31144 Krishnan Nadar, G Historio graphy and history of Kerala Krishnan Nadar 954.83
31145 Farooqi, Salma Ahmed A comprehensive history of medieval India: from the twelth to the mid eighteenth century Pearson Education 954.02
31146 Burns, Edward Macnall World civilizations : Their history and their culture Goyal Saab 909
31147 Burns, Edward Macnall World civilizations : Their history and their culture Goyal Saab 909
31148 Burns, Edward Macnall World civilizations : Their history and their culture Goyal Saab 909
31149 Singh, Upinder A history of ancient and early medieval India;From the stone age to the 12th century Pearson Education 934
31150 Johari, J C Contemporary political theory Sterling Publishing House 320.011
31151 Johari, J C Contemporary political theory Sterling Publishing House 320.011
31152 Chandra, Bipan India Struggle for independence 1857 - 1947 Penguin Books 954.04
31153 Chandra, Bipan India since Independence  Penguin Books 954.04
31154 Mandelbaum, David G Society in India Popular prakashan 301.0954
31155 Sharma, RS India's ancient past Oxford University Press 934
31156 Lahiri, Nayanjot  Ancient India ;New research Oxford University Press 934
31157 Ghosh, Peu International relations PH I Learning 327
31158 Trautmann, Thomas R INDIA : brief history of a civilization Oxford University Press 954
31159 Menon, P C  Medieval India Prathbha 954.02
31160 Peethambaran, P K Historiography Prathibha 907.2
31161 Dubey, S N Political science theory Lakshmi Narain agarwal 320.01
31162 Singhal, S C Comparative politics Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 320
31163 Singhal, S C Human rights Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 323
31164 Elizabeth, B Hurlock Personality development Tata Mcgraw Hill 158.1
31165 Graham, Paul Introduction to political ideologies Pearson Education 320.5
31166 Misra SK,  Economics of Developmet and planingg Himalaya Publishing House 338.9
31167 Cowell, Frank A Micro economics:principles and analysis Oxford University Press 338.5
31168 nordhaus, William D  Economics Tata Mcgraw Hill 330
31169 Ray, Debraj development economics Oxford University Press 338.9
31170 Bhatia, H L History of economic thought Vikas Publishing House 330.9
31171 Lawrence Neuman, W Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches Pearson Education .001.43
31172 Gerber, James International economics Pearson Education 337
31173 Shapiro, Edward Macro Economic Analysis Galgotia Publishers 339
31174 Black, John A Dictionary of economics Oxford University Press 330.3
31175 Sen, Anindya Micro economics : Theory and applications Oxford University Press 338.5
31176 Glenn hubbard, R Macro economics Pearson Education 339
31177 Vaish, M C Monetary Theory Vikas 332.4
31178 Carbaugh, Robert J Global economics Cengage learning 337
31179 Ghosh, Ambar Public finance PH I Learning 336
31180 Mithani, D M International economics Himalaya Publishing House 337
31181 Ahuja, H L Principles of Micro Economics S Chand 338.5
31182 Chrystal, Alec Economics Oxford University Press 330
31183 Marrewijk, Charles Van International economics; theory ,application and policy Oxford University Press 337
31184 Maria John Kennedy, M Macroeconomic theory PH I Learning 339.01
31185 Bhatia, H L Public Finance Vikas Publishing House 336
31186 India ,Government of Planning Commission Kerala Development Report Academic Publications 330.95812
31187 Bhaduri, Sunil An international text in Micro and Macroeconomics New Central Book Agency 338.5
31188 Govind Rao, M Fiscal federalism in India : Theory and practice Macmillan 336
31189 Jadhav, Narendra Monetary policyFinancial stability and central banking in India Macmillan 332.4954
31190 Bajaj, Amit Law of negotiable instruments Macmillan 346.096
31191 Ghose, Amitava Principles of macro economics New Central Book Agency 339
31192 Baumol, William J Micro economics : theory and applications Cengage learning 338.5
31193 O Sullivan, Arthur Macro economics : principles, applications and tools Pearson Education 339
31194 Dutta, Vinay Kumar Commercial bank management Mc grawhill 332.12
31195 Macmillan,  Corporate banking Macmillan 332.122
31196 Macmillan,  Central banking Macmillan 332.11
31197 Macmillan,  Co -Operative banking Macmillan 334.2
31198 Muraleedharan, D Modern banking : theory and practice PH I Learning 332.1
31199 Popli, G S Strategic credit management in banks PH I Learning 332.3
31200 Jyotsna, Sethi Elements of banking and insurance PH I Learning 332.38
31201 Padmalatha, Suresh Management of banking and financial services Pearson Education 332.1
31202 Macmillan,  Co-operative banking operations Macmillan 334.2
31203 Pant, Anoop Banking and working capital management Book Enclave 332.1
31204 Joshi, Dilip B Indian banking and financial markes Paradise 332.1054
31205 Gomez, Clifford Banking and finance : Theory ,law and practice PH I Learning 332.1
31206 Macmillan,  International banking legal and regulatory aspects Macmillan 332.15
31207 Singhania, Kapil Direct taxes : Law and practice Taxman 336.2
31208 Anilkumar, V S Co-operation in India and foreign countries Impress 334
31209 Anilkumar, V S Legal aspects of co-operation Impress 346.0668
31210 Anilkumar, V S Co-operative management and administration Impress 658.047
31211 Anilkumar, V S Basics of co-operation Impress 334
31212 Manoharan Nair, K Basics of co-operation : Priciples of co-operation Kalayani pblishers 658.84
31213 Manoharan Nair, K Basics of co-operation : Priciples of co-operation Kalayani pblishers 658.84
31214 Anilkumar, V S Co-Operative legal systems Impress 346.0668
31215 Cornett, Marcia Millon   Financial markets and institutions : An introduction to the risk management approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 332.64
31216 Taha, Handy A Operation research an introduction Prentice Hall of India 003
31217 Ashraf Rizvi, M Effective technical communication Mc grawhill 302.2
31218 Mcleavey, Dennis   Global investments Pearson Education 332.6
31219 Gurusamy, S Capital markets Tata Mcgraw Hill 332.041
31220 Mitra, Barun K Personality development and soft skills Oxford University Press 158.1
31221 Vanita, Agarwal Managerial economics Pearson Education 330
31222 Machiraju,  H R Introduction to project finance An analytical perspective Vikas Publishing House 332
31223 Krishnaswamy, K N Management research methodology : integration of principles , methods and techniques Pearson Education 001.4
31224 Govinda Bhat, K Customer relationship management Himalaya Publishing House 658.812
31225 Peeru mohammed, H Customer relationship management : a step -by-step approach Vikas Publishing House 658.812
31226 Pandey, Vishal Quantitative techniques : theory and problems Pearson Education 519
31227 Badri, T N Quantitative analysis for management Pearson Education 658
31228 Gupta, Prem Kumar Problems in operations research S Chand 003
31229 Samson, T Business english Tata Mcgraw Hill 808.06665
31230 Dwyer, Judith Management strategies and skills Tata Mcgraw Hill 658
31231 Meenakshi, Raman Advanced communicative english Tata Mcgraw Hill 428
31232 Mukerjee, Hory Sankar Business communication : connecting at work Oxford University Press 380.1
31233 Dona, J Young Business english: WRITING FOR THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE Tata Mcgraw Hill 808.06665
31234 Hildebrandt, Herbert W Effective business communication Mc grawhill 651.7
31235 Cardy, Robert L Performance management : concepts, skills and exercises PH I Learning 658
31236 Balachandran, V Corporate governance,ethics and social responsibility PH I Learning 338.74
31237 Dharni, Khushdeep Intellectual property rights PH I Learning 346.048
31238 maheshwari, cashard K Financial accounting Vikas Publishing House 657.3
31239 Gopalan, M Sure win physics : A complete learning aid Wintech 530
31240 Gopalan, M Sure win biology : A complete learning aid Wintech 570
31241 Gopalan, M Physics practical book Wintech 530.078
31242 Goplan, M Sure win history : A complete learning aid Wintech 901
31243 Gopalan, M surr win economics : A copmplete learning aid Wintech 330
31244 Vinod, A corporate accounting Pratibha 657.95
31245 George V, Kallarackal Public economics Pratibha 336
31246 Thomas, P M Quantitative techniques for economic analysis Pratibha 330
31247 Paul, AV Economics of financial markets Pratibha 332
31248 Paul, A V Micro economic analysis Pratibha 338.5
31249 Paul, A V Principles of micro economics Pratibha 338.5
31250 Paul, AV Adisthanma sambathika sastra padanagal Prathibha 330
31251 Paul, AV Adisthanma sambathika sastra padanagal 330
31252 saju, Jose  Information technology for office Pratibha .004.
31253 Paul, A V Mauleeka  dhanasastra thathugal Pratibha 330.1
31254 Paul, A V Mauleeka  dhanasastra thathugal Pratibha 330.1
31255 James, P M Entrepreneurship development and project management Pratibha 338.04
31256 sneha, Jacob Internet web designing and cyber laws Pratibha .004.678
31257 Thomas, Antony  Internet web designing and cyber laws Pratibha .004.678
31258 Kincaid, Judith W Customer relationship management getting it right Pearson Education 658.812
31259 Quiring, Collin Mastering resource management : using microsoft project and project server 2010 Cengage learning 658.404
31260 Pearl Tan, Hock Neo Advanced financial accounting Tata Mcgraw Hill 657.3
31261 Norton, Curtis L Introduction to financial accounting Cengage learning 657.3
31262 Flatley, Marie E  Business communication : Making connections in a digital world Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.45
31263 Anjanee, Sethi Business communication Tata Mcgraw Hill 380.1
31264 Shirley, Taylor Model business letters emails and other business documents Pearson Education 383.122
31265 Kaul, Asha Effective Business communication Universal Books & Stationary Co 658.45
31266 Mathews, Alex k Financial services and system Tata Mcgraw Hill 332.17
31267 Israelite, Larry Talent management : strategies for success from six leading companies Cengage learning 658.3
31268 Saha, Tapash Ranjan Business organisation and management Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
31269 Saha, Tapash Ranjan Business organisation and management Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
31270 Sharma, J K Business statistics Vikas Publishing House 338.7021
31271 Berenson, Mark L Quantitative techniques for management Pearson Education 658
31272 Chopra, Sunil Supply chain management : strategy, planning and operation Pearson Education 658
31273 Brown, Donald R An experiential approach to organization development Pearson Education 658
31274 Jacob, Isaac Strategic brand management Pearson Education 658.4012
31275 Bhattacharya, Dipak kumar Compensation management Oxford University Press 658
31276 Meredith, Jack R Operation management Wiley Eastern Pub 658
31277 Datey, V S Indirect taxes Law and practice : Service tax Taxmann 336.294
31278 Datey, V S Indirect taxes Law and practice : Central excise ,customs ,FTP Taxmann 336.294
31279 Datey, V S Indirect taxes Law and practice : Central excise ,customs ,FTP Taxmann 336.294
31280 Datey, V S Indirect taxes Law and practice : Central excise ,customs ,FTP Taxmann 336.294
31281 Poornima, M Charantimath Entrepreneurship development and small business enterprises Pearson Education 338.04
31282 Bascunan,  F L Entrepreneurship development Global vision 338.04
31283 Kaplan, Jack M Patterns of entrepreneurship Wiley Eastern Pub 338.04
31284 Hisrich, Robert D Entrepreneurship Mc grawhill 338.04
31285 Bhattacharya, Hrishikes Working capital management : Strategies and techniques PH I Learning 658.8
31286 Gupta, Hitesh Business research methods Tata Mcgraw Hill 001.4
31287 Ramesh, Dangar FInancial  statements analysis Paradise 658.15
31288 Bell, cecil H Organization development : behavioral science interventions for organization improvement Pearson Education 658
31289 Altekar, Rahul V Supply chain management Concepts and cases PH I Learning 658
31290 Arora, S P Office organisation an management Vikas Publishing House 658.4
31291 Arora, S P Office organisation an management Vikas Publishing House 658.4
31292 Chopra, R K Office management Himalaya Publishing House 651.3
31293 Bhatia, R C Office management and commercial correspondence Sterling Publishing House 651.3
31294 Bhatia, R C Office management and commercial correspondence Sterling Publishing House 651.3
31295 Resch, Marc Strategic project management transformation Cengage learning 658.4012
31296 Emmanuel, MATHEW Methodology of business education Pearson Education 338.7
31297 Periasamy, P Working capital management : Theory and practice Himalaya Publishing House 658.8
31298 Rawat, D S Students guide to auditing standards SAS/SRES/SAES/SRSS/and SQC Taxmann 657.45
31299 Maylor, Harvey Project management Pearson Education 658.404
31300 Kendrick, TOm The project management tool kit PH I Learning 658.404
31301 Laudon, Kenneth C E commerce : basiness, technology ;society Pearson Education 380.1
31302 Awad, Elias M Electronic commerce from vision to fulfillment PH I Learning 380.1
31303 Laudon, Kenneth C and  E commerce : basiness, technology ;society Pearson Education 658.84
31304 Deitel, H M E -business and e- commerce for managers Pearson Education 380.1
31305 Tulsian, Bharat Business Law Mc grawhill 346.07
31306 Mathur, Satish B Business Law Mc grawhill 346.07
31307 Alexander, Gorden J Fundamentals of investments PH I Learning 332.6
31308 Mathur, Satish B Accounting for management Tata Mcgraw Hill 657
31309 Shekhar K C,   Banking theory and practice Vikas Publishing House 332.101
31310 Kevin, S Security analysis and portfolio management PH I Learning 332.6
31311 Chandra, Prasanna Investment analysis and portfolio management Mc grawhill 658.152
31312 Singh, Preeti Security analysis and portfolio management Himalaya Publishing House 332.6
31313 Montcomery, Douglas C Statistical  quality control : A modern introduction Wiley .001.422
31314 Mahendru, Mandeep Production management Kalayani pblishers 658
31315 Prusty, Sadananda Managerial economics PH I Learning 338.5
31316 Davar,  R S Personal management and industrial relations Vikas Publishing House 658.3
31317 Goyal, Tarun Objective general knowledge Knowledge Group .001
31318 Kapoor, D C Export management Vikas Publishing House 658.848
31319 Mano, M Morris   Digital logic and computer design Prentice Hall of India 0.005
31320 Mano, M Morris   Digital logic and computer design Prentice Hall of India 0.005
31321 Augenstein, Moshe J    Data structures using C and C++ PH I Learning .005.73
31322 Augenstein, Moshe J    Data structures using C and C++ PH I Learning .005.73
31323 Floyd, Thomas L Digital fundamentals Pearson Education .004.2
31324 Floyd, Thomas L Digital fundamentals Pearson Education .004.2
31325 Baluja, G S Data structures through C Dhanpat Rai & Co .005.731
31326 Baluja, G S Data structures through C Dhanpat Rai & Co .005.731
31327 Baluja, G S Data structures through C Dhanpat Rai & Co .005.731
31328 Baluja, G S Data structures through C Dhanpat Rai & Co .005.731
31329 Maheswari, S K  Advanced accountancy Vikas Publishing House 657.046
31330 Maheswari, S K  Advanced accountancy Vikas Publishing House 657.046
31331 Khan, M Y Financial services Mc grawhill 332.17
31332 Libby, Patricia A Financial accounting Tata Mcgraw Hill 657.3
31333 Obrien, James A Management Information systems Galgotia 658.403811
31334 Saleem, Shaikh Business environment Pearson Education 338.7
31335 Lal, Jawahar Cost Accounting Tata Mcgraw Hill 657
31336 Banerjee, Bhabatosh Cost accounting : Theory and practice PH I Learning 657.42
31337 Jaffe, Jeffrey Corporate finance Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
31338 Damodaran, Aswath Corporate finance : theory and practice wiley 658.15
31339 Berenson, Mark L Business statistics : A first course Pearson Education 338.702
31340 Levine, David M Statistics for  managers  ;Using microsoft Excel PH I Learning 658.021
31341 Prasanna, Chandra Financial management theory and practice Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.15
31342 Baines, Paul   Marketing Oxford University Press 380.1
31343 Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary Principles of Marketing Pearson Education 380.1
31344 Kumar, Arun Marketing management Vikas Publishing House 658.8
31345 Namakumari, S Ramaswamy, V S Marketting management : global perspective Indian context Macmillan 658.8
31346 Armstrong, Gary Marketing : An introduction Pearson Education 380.1
31347 Cannice, Mark V Management : a global ,innovative ,and entrepreneurial perspective Mc grawhill 658
31348 Chary, S N Production and operationas management Tata Mcgraw Hill 658
31349 Ananthanarayanan, P S Strategic management Oxford University Press 658.4012
31350 Hill, Charles W L Strategic management : An integrated approach Oxford University Press 658.4012
31351 Panda, Tapan K sales and distribution management Oxford University Press 659
31352 Berman, Barry Retail management : a strategic approach Pearson Education 659
31353 Gillett, Billy E Introduction to Operation Reserch : A Computer Oriented Algorithimic Approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 003
31354 Sastry, S S Engineering mathematics PH I Learning 510
31355 Sastry, S S Engineering mathematics PH I Learning 510
31356 Joan, Chunkapura Jeevithathile varaprasadangal TRADA 235
31357 Antony, Mannarakulam and  Kudumba counselling TRADA 361.06
31358 Joan, Chunkapura and  Kuttykalkum kaumarakarkkum karuthalum kavalumai counselling TRADA 361.06
31359 Joan, Chukapura Sexual education- Addiction and HIV-AIDS TRADA 613.9071
31360 Chackochan, Kalapura and  Lahari chikilsa TRADA 616.86
31361 Abraham, Johns Prakaashatheeram thedi TRADA 616.86
31362 Joan, Chunkapura and  Counselling youth and children TRADA 361.06
31363 Joan, Chunkapura Treatment models in addiction Trada 616.86
31364 Sethunathan, P Malanattupazhzma Maluben 894.81207
31365 Gopalakrishnan, Naduvattom Samskaramudrakal Maluben 894.8124
31366 Benjamin, D Sahithyagveshnathinte reethisasthram Maluben .001.4
31367 Asha, Najeeb Paristhibodham P Kunhiraman Nayarudeyum Vyloppillyudeyum kavithalil Author 894.812109
31368 Benyamin,  Aatujeevitham Green books 894.8123
31369 Benyamin,  Aatujeevitham Green books 894.8123
31370 Benyamin,  Aatujeevitham Green books 894.8123
31371 Mathew, Mannarakam Poonjar : charithramuragunna punnyabhoomi Mannarathu college 954.83
31372 Bhagyalakshmi,  Swarabhedhangal D C Books 927.914
31373 Bhagat, Chetan Half girlfriend Rupa & Company 823BHA
31374 Sukumar,  P S C nirantharam avarthikkunna 10,000 chodyangal D C Books 001
31375 Sara, Thomas Narmudippudava D C Books 894.8123
31376 Sara, Thomas Narmudippudava D C Books 894.8123
31377 Sreedharan, Palliyara P S C prayogiga ganitham D C Books 510.76
31378 Gopinath, Muthukadu Ee kathayilumundoru magic D C Books 158.1
31379 Sivasankarapillai, Thakazhi Randitangazhl D C Books 894.8123
31380 Sivasankarapillai, Thakazhi Randitangazhl D C Books 894.8123
31381 Balagopalan,  Oru pravasiyute ithihasam D C Books 894.8123
31382 Agatha, christe Moonnamathe penkutty D C Books 894.8123
31383 Nair, M R C Mathsarapareekshkalkkulla ganitham D C Books 510.76
31384 Surendran, K Jwala D C Books 894.8123
31385 Vijayan,O.V Kazhakkinte ithihasangal nbs Kottayam 894.8123
31386 Vasudevan nair, M T M T Yudekathakal D C Books 894.8123008
31387 Ramakrishnan, T D Sugandhi enna andal devanayaki D C Books 894.8123
31388 Muhammad, N P Arabiponnu D C Books 894.8123
31389 Raghu, J Khar vapasi : jathiyilekulla madakkam D C Books 320
31390 Agatha, Christie Baghdadile nigoodatha D C Books 894.8123
31391 Agatha, Christe Librariyile mruthusariram D C Books 894.8123
31392 Rajagopal kammathu, A Prapancha muttathe viseshangal D C Books 523.4
31393 Sreedharamenon.A Kerala Charitra Silpikal s,viswanathan Pub 954.812
31394 Raman pillai, CV Marthanda varma SPCS 894.8123
31395 Harris, Thomas A Njanum ningalum thulyaranu D C Books 158.1
31396 Sreelekha, R Jagarookan D C Books 894.8123
31397 Joseph, Jeethu Drishyam, memories D C Books 791.437
31398 Coelho, Paulo The alchemist D C Books 894.8123
31399 Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Ekanthathayute nooru varshangal D C Books 894.8123
31400 Kuroyanagi, Thelsukko Totto chan National book Trust 894.8123
31401 Uroob,  Ummachu D C Books 894.8123
31402 Balakrishnan, P K Ini njan urangatte D C Books 894.8123
31403 Basheer,  viikom muhammed Balyakalasakiyum kure pennangalum D C Books 894.8123
31404 Basheer, Vikom muhammed Mucheettukalikkrante makalum chila gadagadian novelukalum D C Books 984.8123
31405 Basheer,  viikom muhammed Balyakalasakiyum kure pennangalum D C Books 894.8123
31406 Basheer,  viikom muhammed Balyakalasakiyum kure pennangalum D C Books 894.8123
31407 Lalithambika, Antharjanam Agnisakshi Current Books 8948123LAL
31408 Lalithambika, Antharjanam Agnisakshi Current Books 8948123LAL
31409 Pottekktt, S K Sanchara sahithyam D C Books 910
31410 Pottekkttu, S K Sanchara sahithyam D C Books 910
31411 Bhaskaran nair, Cheppad Samakalikachinthakal D C Books 894.8124
31412 Manikandan, K V Moonnamidangal D C Books 894.8123
31413 Ghosh, Amitav Dhoomanadi D C Books 894.8123
31414 Meera, KR Meerayude novellakal D C Books 894.8123008
31415 Meera, K R Kathakal D C Books 894.8123008
31416 Anand,  Apaharikappetta daivangal D C Books 894.8123
31417 Anand,  Apaharikappetta daivangal D C Books 894.8123
31418 Benyamin,  Akkapporinte irupathu nasranivarshagal D C Books 894.8123
31419 Benyamin,  Akkapporinte irupathu nasranivarshagal D C Books 894.8123
31420 Benyamin,  Abeesagin D C Books 894.8123
31421 Benyamin,  Abeesagin D C Books 894.8123
31422 Benyamin,  Kathakal D C Books 894.8123008
31423 Chandran, Subash Manushyanu oru aamukham D C Books 894.8123
31424 Chandran, Subash Manushyanu oru aamukham D C Books 894.8123
31425 Meera, K R Aarachar D C Books 894.8123
31426 Meera, K R Aarachar D C Books 894.8123
31427 Meera, K R Aarachar D C Books 894.8123
31428 Coelho, Paulo The alchemist Harper collins 823COE
31429 Coelho, Paulo Adultery Random house 823COE
31430 Bhagat, Chetan Revolution 2020 ;Love,Corruption ,Ambition Rupa & Company 823BHA
31431 Bhagat, Chetan Revolution 2020 ;Love,Corruption ,Ambition Rupa & Company 823BHA
31432 Bhagat, Chetan One night @ the call center Rupa & Company 823BHA
31433 Bhagat, Chetan One night the call center Rupa&co 823BHA
31434 Bhagat, Chetan What young India wants Rupa & Company 824BHA
31435 Dickens, charls  Hard times Oxford University Press 823
31436 Mathew, Mammen Manorama yearbook 2015 Malayala manorama 050
31437 Bhagat, Chetan Five point someone ; what not to do at iit Rupa & Company 823BHA
31438 Hhachette,  On this day :the history of the world in 366 days Hhachette 001
31439 Dorling Kindersley,  Ultimate visual dictionry Darling Kindersley books 413.1
31440 Covey, Sean Ningal edukkunna 6 pradhanapetta terumanangal D C Books 158.1
31441 Covey, Stephen M R and Viswasyathyute vijayam D C Books 158.1
31442 Warrier, B  S Jeevitha vijayathinu 366 ulkazhchakal D C Books 158.1
31443 Rashtra Deepika,  Exotic Eastern Paradise : A complete tourism directory Rashtra deepika 954.83025
31444 George, Jose V Yentee veedu ; a family directory of Aruvithura forane church A K C C 954.83025
31445 Mohamed, N P The eye of God Macmillan 823MOH
31446 Kurias, Kumbalakuzhy Sathyathinte mukham Media house 894.8124
31447 John, Antony J Keralathinte vikasana sadhyathakal Pulkood books 330.95483
31448 Murukesan, S S Keralathile Thamizhchettikal ; swathwavum bhashatum Ramambika books 494.812
31449 Eliel, Ernest Steriochemistry of organic compounds wiley 547.1393
31450 Obrien, James A Management Information sytems Tata Mcgraw Hill 658.403811
31451 Remanan, R P Human rights : concept and concerns Current Books 323
31452 Remanan, R P Human rights : concept and concerns Current Books 323
31453 Dumas, Alexandre The three musketeers S Chand 823DUM
31454 S Chand,  Modern short stories S Chand 823.008
31455 Wilde, Oscar tales of Oscar wilde S Chand 823WIL
31456 Austen, Jane Pride and prejudice S Chand 823AUS
31457 Stevenson, R L Kidnapped S Chand 823STE
31458 S Chand,  Six short stories S Chand 823.008
31459 Eliot, George Silas marner S Chand 823ELI
31460 Verne, Jules Around the World in eighty days S Chand 8230.008VER
31461 Bhasi, Thoppil Thopill Bhasiyude therajedutha kruthikal Prabhath Bookhouse 920
31462 Bhasi, Thoppil Thopill Bhasiyude therajedutha kruthikal Prabhath Bookhouse 920
31463 Sukumar,  Chiripusthakam Prabhath Bookhouse 894.8124
31464 Prasanna, Rajan Maunam kuttakaramkunnu Prabhath Bookhouse 894.8124
31465 Yunnus Kunju, M Ariyan yathra Fransil Prabhath Bookhouse 910.53
31466 Surendranath, K V Lokathinte mukalthattilude Prabhath Bookhouse 910
31467 Nair, N C oru samaravum kure manushyarum Prabhath Bookhouse 894.8123NAI
31468 Sathyanathan, T K Prayogika niyamasahayi Sree sathyam 345.4
31469 Joseph, Vadakkan ente kuthippum kithappum Mathrubhumi 920
31470 Joseph, Vadakkan ente kuthippum kithappum Mathrubhumi 920
31471 Gandhi, M K Ente sathyanweshana pareekshakal Mathrubhumi 320.58
31472 Rasheed, P K A INterview vijayamargangal Mathrubhumi 658.31124
31473 Kesavamenon, K P Kazhinjakaalam Mathrubhumi 920
31474 V K N,  Mananchira test D C Books 894.8123008
31475 Kothari, Gulab Manassum manassum Mathrubhumi 894.8124
31476 Mathrubhumi,  Mathrubhumi thozhilvartha Fact File Mathrubhumi 371.26
31477 Parameswaran, C R Mounathinte shambalam maranam Mathrubhumi 894.8124
31478 Rasheed, P K A Ormasakthi vardhippikkam Mathrubhumi 158.1
31479 Mathrubhumi,  Prameham ini pedi venda Mathrubhumi 612.396
31480 T K D, Muzhappilangadu Prasangapariseelanam Mathrubhumi 894.8125
31481 Dickens, Charles Prethabhavanavum mattu kathakalum Mathrubhumi 894.8123008
31482 Jayaraj, P K Speak and write right Mathrubhumi 428.3
31483 Gleeson, Kerry Vekthithanipunniam Mathrubhumi 158.1
31484 Kesavamenon, K P Yesudevan Mathrubhumi 232
31485 Mukundan, M Mayyazhioppuzhayute theerangalil D C Books 894.8123
31486 Benyamin,  Al Arabian novel factory D C Books 894.8123
31487 Benyamin,  Mullappooniramulla pakalukal D C Books 894.8123
31488 Bewnyamin,  Manjaveryil Maranangal D C Books 894.8123BEN
31489 Madhavikutty,  Neermathalam pootha kalam D C Books 894.81209
31490 Shourie, Arun Oramma padippikunna jeevithapadangal D C Books 920
31491 Eaton, Alicia Jeevithavijayam NLP yilute D C Books 158.1
31492 Abdul Kalam, A P J Ente jeevithayathra D C Books 925.3
31493 Coelho, Paulo Aleph Harper collins 823COE
31494 Christom,  Christom paranja narmakathakal D C Books 894.812008
31495 Tenzing, P G Sagaratheram muthal himalayasikharam vare D C Books 910
31496 Kurup, O N V Kadalsamghukal D C Books 894.8121008
31497 Kunhabdulla, Punathil Smarakasilakal D C Books 894.8123
31498 Mukundan, M Delhi gadhakal D C Books 894.8123MUK
31499 Doyle, Arthur Conan Sherlack Homes sampoorna krithikal universal press 894.8123
31500 Mahesh, Kidangil Vaasthu ; aiswaryam  sambathu arogyam Aarshari 643.12

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