31000 | Chandra, Suresh and | An introduction to mathematical physics | Narosa Publishing House | 530.15 |
31001 | Naik, Pramod V | Physics for Science and engineering | Viva Books | 530 |
31002 | Gold Stein, Herbert and | Classical Mechanics | Pearson Education | 531 |
31003 | Kittell, Charles | Introduction to Solid state physics | wiley | 530.41 |
31004 | Leonov, V S | Quantum energetics :Theory of superunification | Viva Books | 537.67 |
31005 | Chakrabarti, Pradipkumar and | Waves and acoustics | New Central Book Agency | 531.33 |
31006 | Piperk, Joachim | Semiconductor optoelectronic devices: introduction to physics and simulation | Academic Press | 621.38152 |
31007 | Kulkarni, V W | Atomic and nuclear physics | Himalaya Publishing House | 539.7 |
31008 | Sykes, Peter | Guide Book to Mechanism in organic Chemistry | Orient longman Ltd | 547 |
31009 | McQuarrie, Donald A | Physical Chemistry : A molecular Approach | Viva Books | 541.3 |
31010 | Patrick, Graham L | An introduction to medicinal chemistry | Oxford University Press | 615.19 |
31011 | Schmidt, Werner | Optical spectroscopy in chemistry and life sciences : an introduction | Wiley Eastern Pub | 543.0858 |
31012 | Douglas, Bodie E | Concepts and models of inorganic chemistry | Oxford University Press | 546 |
31013 | Ahulwalia, V K | Organic reaction mechanism | Narosa Publishing House | 547.2 |
31014 | Levine, Ira N | Quantum Chemistry | Prentice Hall of India | 541.28 |
31015 | Eliel, Ernest | Steriochemistry of organic compounds | wiley | 547.1393 |
31016 | Levenspiel, Octave | Chemical reaction engineering | Wiley Eastern Pub | 541.39 |
31017 | Carter, Robert L | Molecular symmetry and group theory | John Wiley & sons | 541.22 |
31018 | Carter, Robert L | Molecular symmetry and group theory | John Wiley & sons | 541.22 |
31019 | Kalsi, PS | Sterio Chemistry confermation and mechanism | Wiley Eastern Pub | 541.223 |
31020 | March, Jerry | march's Advanced Organic Chemistry : Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure | Wiley Eastern Pub | 547 |
31021 | Sorrel, Thomas N | Organic Chemistry | Viva Books Pvt Ltd | 547 |
31022 | Ghatak, K L | A text book of organic chemistry: problem analysis | PH I Learning | 547 |
31023 | Cotton, F Albert | Advanced inorganic chemistry : A comprehensive text | Wiley Eastern Pub | 546 |
31024 | stevens, Malcolm P | Polymer chemistry : an introduction | Oxford University Press | 547.7 |
31025 | Singh, Jagdamba | Photochemistry and pericyclic reactions | New age international | 541.35 |
31026 | Banwell, C N | Fundamentals of Molecuar Spectroscopy | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 541.22 |
31027 | Singh, Maya Shankar | Organic chemistry | Pearson Education | 547 |
31028 | hunt, Andrew | Chemistry A to Z Handbook | Viva Books | 540 |
31029 | Vemulapalli, G K | Physical Chemistry | Prentice Hall of India | 541.3 |
31030 | Huheey, James E | Inorganic chemistry: principles of structure and reactivity | Pearson | 546 |
31031 | Casida, L E | Industrial Microbiology | New age international | 660.62 |
31032 | Albert Cotton, F | Chemical applications of Group theory | John Wiley & sons | 541.22015122 |
31033 | Albert Cotton, F | Chemical applications of Group theory | John Wiley & sons | 541.22015122 |
31034 | Nasipuri, D | Sterio chemistry of Organic compounds: Princioples and applications | New age international | 547.1223 |
31035 | Nasipuri, D | Sterio chemistry of Organic compounds: Princioples and applications | New age international | 547.1223 |
31036 | Vogel, Mendhan J | Text book of quantitative chemical analysis | Pearson Education | 545 |
31037 | Vogel, Mendhan J | Text book of quantitative chemical analysis | Pearson Education | 545 |
31038 | Atkins, P W Shriver, DF | Inorganic chemistry | Oxford University Press | 546 |
31039 | Kalsi, P S | Organic Reactions Sterio Chemistry and Mechanism | New age international | 547.1393 |
31040 | Aggarwal, Renu and | Comprehencive practical Organic Chemistry | Univeristies Press | 547.078 |
31041 | Wulfsberg, Gary | Inorganic chemistry | Viva Books | 547 |
31042 | Sinha, Pradeep K | Computer fundamentals,concepts systems applications | BPB Publishers | 004 |
31043 | Norton, Peter | Introduction to computers | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 004 |
31044 | Norton, Peter | Introduction to computers | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 004 |
31045 | Gaonkar, Ramesh S | Micro processor Archetectere programming and application with the 80-85 | Penram international | 004.165 |
31046 | Dani, Asang and | Let us C# | BPB Publishers | 005.262C |
31047 | Kanetkar, Yashavant | Graphics under C | BPB Publishers | .006.663 |
31048 | lotia, Bijal | Modern all about Hard disk drive | BPB Publishers | 004.5 |
31049 | Burd, Stephen D | Systems analysis design | Cengage learning | 005.1 |
31050 | Gore, Marvin | Elements of systems analysis | Galgotia Publishers | 004 |
31051 | Balagurusamy, E | Object oriented programming with C++ | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 005.262 |
31052 | Balaguruswami, E | Object oriented programming with C++ | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 005.262 |
31053 | Stallings, William | Business data communications | PH I Learning | 004.6 |
31054 | Stevens, Roger T | Graphics programming in C | BPB Publishers | 006.663 |
31055 | Tomasi, Wayne | Electronic communication systems : fundamentals through Advanced | Pearson Education | 621.382 |
31056 | Rappaport, Theodore S | Wireless communications : principles and practice | Pearson Education | 621.382 |
31057 | Forouzan, Behrouz A | Cryptography and network security | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 005.82 |
31058 | Anandkumar, A | Fundamentals of digital circuits | PH I Learning | 621.3815 |
31059 | Avadhani, P S | Computer graphics | Mc grawhill | .006.6 |
31060 | Anokwa, Kwadwo | Mass communications : concepts -Case approach | cengage learning | 302.2 |
31061 | Baran, Stanley J | Introduction to Mass Communication and Media Literacy and culture | Mcgraw Hill | 302.23 |
31062 | Baran, Stanley J | Introduction to Mass Communication and Media Literacy and culture | Mcgraw Hill | 302.23 |
31063 | Nageswar Rao, S B and | Mass media laws and regulations | Himalaya Publishing House | 302.23 |
31064 | Harris, Jan L I and | Critical theories of Mass media : then and now | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 302.2301 |
31065 | Burton, Graeme | Media and society : critical perspectives | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 302.23 |
31066 | Kumar, Keval J | Mass Communication in India | Jaico Publishers | 302.2054 |
31067 | Bharucha, Erach | Textbook of environmental studies | University press | 363.7363 |
31068 | Sharma, Arun | how to prepare for quantitative aptitude for the C A T | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 513.076 |
31069 | Guha, Abhijit | Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinatin | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 371.26 |
31070 | Sharma, J K | Verbal, non verbal and logical reasoning | Unique Publishers | 371.26 |
31071 | Balasingh, Roopkumar | General english for competitive examinations | Vijay Nicole imprint | 425 |
31072 | Thorpe, Edgar | Test of reasoning : for competitive examinations | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 371.26 |
31073 | Vikas, | Objective logical reasoning | Vikas Publishing House | 371.26 |
31074 | Swaminathan,M | Essentials of food and nutricition | Bangalore Printing | 613 |
31075 | Shadaksharasawamy, M | Foods facts and principles | New age international | 641.3 |
31076 | Deb, AC | Comprehensible viva and practical biochemistry | New Central Book Agency | 572.078 |
31077 | Haque, SS | A Text book of biochemistry ( Theory cum practical) | S Vikas & co | 572 |
31078 | Odum, Eugene P | Fundamentals of Ecology | Sounders Co | 577 |
31079 | Attwood, T K | Introduction to bioinformatics | Pearson Education | 570.285 |
31080 | Joseph, Benny | Environmental studies | Mc grawhill | 577 |
31081 | Misra, Harikesh N | Managing natural resources : fouus on land and water | PH I Learning | 333.7 |
31082 | Gardiner, Eldon J | Principles of Genetics | John Wiley & sons | 576.5 |
31083 | Subrahmanyam, N S | Modern Plant Taxonomy | Vikas Publishing House | 578.012 |
31084 | Bianchi, Donald E and | Cell and molecular biology | Wiley Eastern Pub | 571.6 |
31085 | Sharma, OP | Plant taxonomy | Mc grawhill | 580 |
31086 | Longstaff, Alan | Neuroscience | Garland Science | 616.8 |
31087 | Daginawala, H F and | General microbiology | Himalaya Publishing House | 579 |
31088 | Jayaraman, J | Laboratory manual in biochemistry | New age international | 578.078 |
31089 | Randhawa, S S | A Text book of biochemistry | S Vikas & Com | 572 |
31090 | Srinivas, Vittal R | Bioinformatic :a modern approach | PH I Learning | 570.285 |
31091 | Kumaresan, V | Horticulture | Saras Publications | 635 |
31092 | Anantharaman, M S | Palaeontology: Evolution and animal distribution | Vishal | 560 |
31093 | Chaudhari, H K | Elementary principles of plant breeding | Oxford & IBH | 631.52 |
31094 | Arumugam, N | Immunology | Saras Publications | 616.079 |
31095 | frazier, William C | Food microbilogy | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 664.001579 |
31096 | Benjamin, Siny G | Informatics and Bioinformatics | G E M | 570.285 |
31097 | Ghosh, Biswajit | Plant Tissue culture basic and applied | University press | 571.538 |
31098 | Dash, M C and | Fundamentals of Ecology | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 577 |
31099 | Hotchkiss, Joseph H | Food science | CBS Publishers & Distributers | 641.3 |
31100 | Hotchkiss, Joseph H | Food science | CBS Publishers & Distributers | 641.3 |
31101 | Shadaksharasawamy, M | Foods facts and principles | New age international | 641.3 |
31102 | Desrosier, James N | The technology of food preservation | CBS Publishers & Distributers | 664.028 |
31103 | Wani, Imtiyaz | Textbook of microbiology | S Vikas | 579 |
31104 | Cowan, Marjorie Kelly | Microbiology ;A systems approach | Mc grawhill | 579 |
31105 | Sherwood, Linda M | Prescott's microbiology | Mc grawhill | 579 |
31106 | Rose, Shepley.L | Differential equations | Wiley Eastern Pub | 515.35 |
31107 | choudhary, B and | A first course in mathematical analysis | Narosa Publishing House | 515 |
31108 | Moon, Todd k | Error correction coding : mathematical methods and alogorithms | Wiley Eastern Pub | 511.43 |
31109 | Hadley, G | Linear algebra | Narosa Publishing House | 512.5 |
31110 | Trivedi, Kishor shridharbhai | Probability and statistics with reliability queuing and computer science applications | Wiley Eastern Pub | 519.5 |
31111 | Ross, Sheldon M | Stochastic processes | Wiley Eastern Pub | 519.23 |
31112 | Fraleigh, John B | First course in abstract algebra | Narosa Publishing House | 512.02 |
31113 | Bhatt, B I and Vora, S M | Stoichiometry | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 541.26 |
31114 | Fraleigh, John B | First course in abstract algebra | Narosa Publishing House | 512.02 |
31115 | Ardema, Mark D | Analytical dynamics : Theory and applications | Kluwer academic | 620.104 |
31116 | Rosen, Kenneth H | Discrete mathematics and its applications with combinatores and graph theory | Mc grawhill | 510.240901 |
31117 | Ross, Timothy J | Fuzzy logic with engineering applications | Wiley Eastern Pub | 511.322 |
31118 | Royden, HL | Real analysis | Prentice Hall of India | 515.8 |
31119 | Harary, Frank | Graph theory | Narosa Publishing House | 511.5 |
31120 | Krishnamurthy V, | An Introduction to Linear Algebra | East West Press Pvt Ltd | 512.5 |
31121 | Brown, James Ward | Complex variables and applications | Mc grawhill | 515. |
31122 | Datta, KB | Matrix and linear algebra | Prentice Hall of India | 512.9434 |
31123 | Klir, George J | Fuzzy sets and fussy logic :Theory and applications | Prentice Hall of India | 511.322 |
31124 | Thomas, George B | Calculus and analytical geometry | Addison Wesley | 515.15 |
31125 | Shirali, satish | An introduction to mathematical analysis | Narosa Publishing House | 515 |
31126 | Zill, Dennis G | Differential equations | Cengage learning | 515.35 |
31127 | Lay, David C | linear algebra and its applications | Pearson Education | 512.5 |
31128 | Gilbert, William J | modern algebra with applications | Wiley Eastern Pub | 512 |
31129 | Thomas, George B | Thomas calculus | Pearson Education | 515.15 |
31130 | Cheney, Ward | Linear Algebra : theory and applications | Jones and Bartlett | 512.5 |
31131 | Banerjee-Dube, Ishita | A history of modern India | Cambridge University Press | 954.03 |
31132 | Kosambi, Damoder Dharmanand | Introduction to the study of indian history | S Viswanathan | 909 |
31133 | Nilakanta Sastri, K A | A history of south India | Oxford University Press | 954.8 |
31134 | George V, Kallarackal | Economic history of modern India | Learners digital press | 330.954 |
31135 | Rosamma, Mathew | Making modern Kerala | Learnears digital press | 954.83 |
31136 | Corbridge, Stuart | India economy politics society | Oxford University Press | 301.0954 |
31137 | Maheshwari, Shriram | Administrative thinkers | Macmillan | 351 |
31138 | Meenakshi, Khanna | Cultural history of medival India | Social science press | 954.01 |
31139 | Menon, Dilip M | Cultural history of modern India | Social science press | 954.01 |
31140 | Trevelyan, O M | English Social History | Penguin Group | 820 |
31141 | Arnold, John H | History : A very short introduction | Oxford University Press | 901 |
31142 | Maheshwari, S R | The machinery of governance in India | Macmillan | 320.954 |
31143 | Maheshwari, S R | Public administration in India | Macmillan | 351.54 |
31144 | Krishnan Nadar, G | Historio graphy and history of Kerala | Krishnan Nadar | 954.83 |
31145 | Farooqi, Salma Ahmed | A comprehensive history of medieval India: from the twelth to the mid eighteenth century | Pearson Education | 954.02 |
31146 | Burns, Edward Macnall | World civilizations : Their history and their culture | Goyal Saab | 909 |
31147 | Burns, Edward Macnall | World civilizations : Their history and their culture | Goyal Saab | 909 |
31148 | Burns, Edward Macnall | World civilizations : Their history and their culture | Goyal Saab | 909 |
31149 | Singh, Upinder | A history of ancient and early medieval India;From the stone age to the 12th century | Pearson Education | 934 |
31150 | Johari, J C | Contemporary political theory | Sterling Publishing House | 320.011 |
31151 | Johari, J C | Contemporary political theory | Sterling Publishing House | 320.011 |
31152 | Chandra, Bipan | India Struggle for independence 1857 - 1947 | Penguin Books | 954.04 |
31153 | Chandra, Bipan | India since Independence | Penguin Books | 954.04 |
31154 | Mandelbaum, David G | Society in India | Popular prakashan | 301.0954 |
31155 | Sharma, RS | India's ancient past | Oxford University Press | 934 |
31156 | Lahiri, Nayanjot | Ancient India ;New research | Oxford University Press | 934 |
31157 | Ghosh, Peu | International relations | PH I Learning | 327 |
31158 | Trautmann, Thomas R | INDIA : brief history of a civilization | Oxford University Press | 954 |
31159 | Menon, P C | Medieval India | Prathbha | 954.02 |
31160 | Peethambaran, P K | Historiography | Prathibha | 907.2 |
31161 | Dubey, S N | Political science theory | Lakshmi Narain agarwal | 320.01 |
31162 | Singhal, S C | Comparative politics | Lakshmi Narain Agarwal | 320 |
31163 | Singhal, S C | Human rights | Lakshmi Narain Agarwal | 323 |
31164 | Elizabeth, B Hurlock | Personality development | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 158.1 |
31165 | Graham, Paul | Introduction to political ideologies | Pearson Education | 320.5 |
31166 | Misra SK, | Economics of Developmet and planingg | Himalaya Publishing House | 338.9 |
31167 | Cowell, Frank A | Micro economics:principles and analysis | Oxford University Press | 338.5 |
31168 | nordhaus, William D | Economics | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 330 |
31169 | Ray, Debraj | development economics | Oxford University Press | 338.9 |
31170 | Bhatia, H L | History of economic thought | Vikas Publishing House | 330.9 |
31171 | Lawrence Neuman, W | Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches | Pearson Education | .001.43 |
31172 | Gerber, James | International economics | Pearson Education | 337 |
31173 | Shapiro, Edward | Macro Economic Analysis | Galgotia Publishers | 339 |
31174 | Black, John | A Dictionary of economics | Oxford University Press | 330.3 |
31175 | Sen, Anindya | Micro economics : Theory and applications | Oxford University Press | 338.5 |
31176 | Glenn hubbard, R | Macro economics | Pearson Education | 339 |
31177 | Vaish, M C | Monetary Theory | Vikas | 332.4 |
31178 | Carbaugh, Robert J | Global economics | Cengage learning | 337 |
31179 | Ghosh, Ambar | Public finance | PH I Learning | 336 |
31180 | Mithani, D M | International economics | Himalaya Publishing House | 337 |
31181 | Ahuja, H L | Principles of Micro Economics | S Chand | 338.5 |
31182 | Chrystal, Alec | Economics | Oxford University Press | 330 |
31183 | Marrewijk, Charles Van | International economics; theory ,application and policy | Oxford University Press | 337 |
31184 | Maria John Kennedy, M | Macroeconomic theory | PH I Learning | 339.01 |
31185 | Bhatia, H L | Public Finance | Vikas Publishing House | 336 |
31186 | India ,Government of Planning Commission | Kerala Development Report | Academic Publications | 330.95812 |
31187 | Bhaduri, Sunil | An international text in Micro and Macroeconomics | New Central Book Agency | 338.5 |
31188 | Govind Rao, M | Fiscal federalism in India : Theory and practice | Macmillan | 336 |
31189 | Jadhav, Narendra | Monetary policyFinancial stability and central banking in India | Macmillan | 332.4954 |
31190 | Bajaj, Amit | Law of negotiable instruments | Macmillan | 346.096 |
31191 | Ghose, Amitava | Principles of macro economics | New Central Book Agency | 339 |
31192 | Baumol, William J | Micro economics : theory and applications | Cengage learning | 338.5 |
31193 | O Sullivan, Arthur | Macro economics : principles, applications and tools | Pearson Education | 339 |
31194 | Dutta, Vinay Kumar | Commercial bank management | Mc grawhill | 332.12 |
31195 | Macmillan, | Corporate banking | Macmillan | 332.122 |
31196 | Macmillan, | Central banking | Macmillan | 332.11 |
31197 | Macmillan, | Co -Operative banking | Macmillan | 334.2 |
31198 | Muraleedharan, D | Modern banking : theory and practice | PH I Learning | 332.1 |
31199 | Popli, G S | Strategic credit management in banks | PH I Learning | 332.3 |
31200 | Jyotsna, Sethi | Elements of banking and insurance | PH I Learning | 332.38 |
31201 | Padmalatha, Suresh | Management of banking and financial services | Pearson Education | 332.1 |
31202 | Macmillan, | Co-operative banking operations | Macmillan | 334.2 |
31203 | Pant, Anoop | Banking and working capital management | Book Enclave | 332.1 |
31204 | Joshi, Dilip B | Indian banking and financial markes | Paradise | 332.1054 |
31205 | Gomez, Clifford | Banking and finance : Theory ,law and practice | PH I Learning | 332.1 |
31206 | Macmillan, | International banking legal and regulatory aspects | Macmillan | 332.15 |
31207 | Singhania, Kapil | Direct taxes : Law and practice | Taxman | 336.2 |
31208 | Anilkumar, V S | Co-operation in India and foreign countries | Impress | 334 |
31209 | Anilkumar, V S | Legal aspects of co-operation | Impress | 346.0668 |
31210 | Anilkumar, V S | Co-operative management and administration | Impress | 658.047 |
31211 | Anilkumar, V S | Basics of co-operation | Impress | 334 |
31212 | Manoharan Nair, K | Basics of co-operation : Priciples of co-operation | Kalayani pblishers | 658.84 |
31213 | Manoharan Nair, K | Basics of co-operation : Priciples of co-operation | Kalayani pblishers | 658.84 |
31214 | Anilkumar, V S | Co-Operative legal systems | Impress | 346.0668 |
31215 | Cornett, Marcia Millon | Financial markets and institutions : An introduction to the risk management approach | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 332.64 |
31216 | Taha, Handy A | Operation research an introduction | Prentice Hall of India | 003 |
31217 | Ashraf Rizvi, M | Effective technical communication | Mc grawhill | 302.2 |
31218 | Mcleavey, Dennis | Global investments | Pearson Education | 332.6 |
31219 | Gurusamy, S | Capital markets | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 332.041 |
31220 | Mitra, Barun K | Personality development and soft skills | Oxford University Press | 158.1 |
31221 | Vanita, Agarwal | Managerial economics | Pearson Education | 330 |
31222 | Machiraju, H R | Introduction to project finance An analytical perspective | Vikas Publishing House | 332 |
31223 | Krishnaswamy, K N | Management research methodology : integration of principles , methods and techniques | Pearson Education | 001.4 |
31224 | Govinda Bhat, K | Customer relationship management | Himalaya Publishing House | 658.812 |
31225 | Peeru mohammed, H | Customer relationship management : a step -by-step approach | Vikas Publishing House | 658.812 |
31226 | Pandey, Vishal | Quantitative techniques : theory and problems | Pearson Education | 519 |
31227 | Badri, T N | Quantitative analysis for management | Pearson Education | 658 |
31228 | Gupta, Prem Kumar | Problems in operations research | S Chand | 003 |
31229 | Samson, T | Business english | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 808.06665 |
31230 | Dwyer, Judith | Management strategies and skills | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658 |
31231 | Meenakshi, Raman | Advanced communicative english | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 428 |
31232 | Mukerjee, Hory Sankar | Business communication : connecting at work | Oxford University Press | 380.1 |
31233 | Dona, J Young | Business english: WRITING FOR THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 808.06665 |
31234 | Hildebrandt, Herbert W | Effective business communication | Mc grawhill | 651.7 |
31235 | Cardy, Robert L | Performance management : concepts, skills and exercises | PH I Learning | 658 |
31236 | Balachandran, V | Corporate governance,ethics and social responsibility | PH I Learning | 338.74 |
31237 | Dharni, Khushdeep | Intellectual property rights | PH I Learning | 346.048 |
31238 | maheshwari, cashard K | Financial accounting | Vikas Publishing House | 657.3 |
31239 | Gopalan, M | Sure win physics : A complete learning aid | Wintech | 530 |
31240 | Gopalan, M | Sure win biology : A complete learning aid | Wintech | 570 |
31241 | Gopalan, M | Physics practical book | Wintech | 530.078 |
31242 | Goplan, M | Sure win history : A complete learning aid | Wintech | 901 |
31243 | Gopalan, M | surr win economics : A copmplete learning aid | Wintech | 330 |
31244 | Vinod, A | corporate accounting | Pratibha | 657.95 |
31245 | George V, Kallarackal | Public economics | Pratibha | 336 |
31246 | Thomas, P M | Quantitative techniques for economic analysis | Pratibha | 330 |
31247 | Paul, AV | Economics of financial markets | Pratibha | 332 |
31248 | Paul, A V | Micro economic analysis | Pratibha | 338.5 |
31249 | Paul, A V | Principles of micro economics | Pratibha | 338.5 |
31250 | Paul, AV | Adisthanma sambathika sastra padanagal | Prathibha | 330 |
31251 | Paul, AV | Adisthanma sambathika sastra padanagal | 330 | |
31252 | saju, Jose | Information technology for office | Pratibha | .004. |
31253 | Paul, A V | Mauleeka dhanasastra thathugal | Pratibha | 330.1 |
31254 | Paul, A V | Mauleeka dhanasastra thathugal | Pratibha | 330.1 |
31255 | James, P M | Entrepreneurship development and project management | Pratibha | 338.04 |
31256 | sneha, Jacob | Internet web designing and cyber laws | Pratibha | .004.678 |
31257 | Thomas, Antony | Internet web designing and cyber laws | Pratibha | .004.678 |
31258 | Kincaid, Judith W | Customer relationship management getting it right | Pearson Education | 658.812 |
31259 | Quiring, Collin | Mastering resource management : using microsoft project and project server 2010 | Cengage learning | 658.404 |
31260 | Pearl Tan, Hock Neo | Advanced financial accounting | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 657.3 |
31261 | Norton, Curtis L | Introduction to financial accounting | Cengage learning | 657.3 |
31262 | Flatley, Marie E | Business communication : Making connections in a digital world | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658.45 |
31263 | Anjanee, Sethi | Business communication | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 380.1 |
31264 | Shirley, Taylor | Model business letters emails and other business documents | Pearson Education | 383.122 |
31265 | Kaul, Asha | Effective Business communication | Universal Books & Stationary Co | 658.45 |
31266 | Mathews, Alex k | Financial services and system | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 332.17 |
31267 | Israelite, Larry | Talent management : strategies for success from six leading companies | Cengage learning | 658.3 |
31268 | Saha, Tapash Ranjan | Business organisation and management | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658.15 |
31269 | Saha, Tapash Ranjan | Business organisation and management | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658.15 |
31270 | Sharma, J K | Business statistics | Vikas Publishing House | 338.7021 |
31271 | Berenson, Mark L | Quantitative techniques for management | Pearson Education | 658 |
31272 | Chopra, Sunil | Supply chain management : strategy, planning and operation | Pearson Education | 658 |
31273 | Brown, Donald R | An experiential approach to organization development | Pearson Education | 658 |
31274 | Jacob, Isaac | Strategic brand management | Pearson Education | 658.4012 |
31275 | Bhattacharya, Dipak kumar | Compensation management | Oxford University Press | 658 |
31276 | Meredith, Jack R | Operation management | Wiley Eastern Pub | 658 |
31277 | Datey, V S | Indirect taxes Law and practice : Service tax | Taxmann | 336.294 |
31278 | Datey, V S | Indirect taxes Law and practice : Central excise ,customs ,FTP | Taxmann | 336.294 |
31279 | Datey, V S | Indirect taxes Law and practice : Central excise ,customs ,FTP | Taxmann | 336.294 |
31280 | Datey, V S | Indirect taxes Law and practice : Central excise ,customs ,FTP | Taxmann | 336.294 |
31281 | Poornima, M Charantimath | Entrepreneurship development and small business enterprises | Pearson Education | 338.04 |
31282 | Bascunan, F L | Entrepreneurship development | Global vision | 338.04 |
31283 | Kaplan, Jack M | Patterns of entrepreneurship | Wiley Eastern Pub | 338.04 |
31284 | Hisrich, Robert D | Entrepreneurship | Mc grawhill | 338.04 |
31285 | Bhattacharya, Hrishikes | Working capital management : Strategies and techniques | PH I Learning | 658.8 |
31286 | Gupta, Hitesh | Business research methods | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 001.4 |
31287 | Ramesh, Dangar | FInancial statements analysis | Paradise | 658.15 |
31288 | Bell, cecil H | Organization development : behavioral science interventions for organization improvement | Pearson Education | 658 |
31289 | Altekar, Rahul V | Supply chain management Concepts and cases | PH I Learning | 658 |
31290 | Arora, S P | Office organisation an management | Vikas Publishing House | 658.4 |
31291 | Arora, S P | Office organisation an management | Vikas Publishing House | 658.4 |
31292 | Chopra, R K | Office management | Himalaya Publishing House | 651.3 |
31293 | Bhatia, R C | Office management and commercial correspondence | Sterling Publishing House | 651.3 |
31294 | Bhatia, R C | Office management and commercial correspondence | Sterling Publishing House | 651.3 |
31295 | Resch, Marc | Strategic project management transformation | Cengage learning | 658.4012 |
31296 | Emmanuel, MATHEW | Methodology of business education | Pearson Education | 338.7 |
31297 | Periasamy, P | Working capital management : Theory and practice | Himalaya Publishing House | 658.8 |
31298 | Rawat, D S | Students guide to auditing standards SAS/SRES/SAES/SRSS/and SQC | Taxmann | 657.45 |
31299 | Maylor, Harvey | Project management | Pearson Education | 658.404 |
31300 | Kendrick, TOm | The project management tool kit | PH I Learning | 658.404 |
31301 | Laudon, Kenneth C | E commerce : basiness, technology ;society | Pearson Education | 380.1 |
31302 | Awad, Elias M | Electronic commerce from vision to fulfillment | PH I Learning | 380.1 |
31303 | Laudon, Kenneth C and | E commerce : basiness, technology ;society | Pearson Education | 658.84 |
31304 | Deitel, H M | E -business and e- commerce for managers | Pearson Education | 380.1 |
31305 | Tulsian, Bharat | Business Law | Mc grawhill | 346.07 |
31306 | Mathur, Satish B | Business Law | Mc grawhill | 346.07 |
31307 | Alexander, Gorden J | Fundamentals of investments | PH I Learning | 332.6 |
31308 | Mathur, Satish B | Accounting for management | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 657 |
31309 | Shekhar K C, | Banking theory and practice | Vikas Publishing House | 332.101 |
31310 | Kevin, S | Security analysis and portfolio management | PH I Learning | 332.6 |
31311 | Chandra, Prasanna | Investment analysis and portfolio management | Mc grawhill | 658.152 |
31312 | Singh, Preeti | Security analysis and portfolio management | Himalaya Publishing House | 332.6 |
31313 | Montcomery, Douglas C | Statistical quality control : A modern introduction | Wiley | .001.422 |
31314 | Mahendru, Mandeep | Production management | Kalayani pblishers | 658 |
31315 | Prusty, Sadananda | Managerial economics | PH I Learning | 338.5 |
31316 | Davar, R S | Personal management and industrial relations | Vikas Publishing House | 658.3 |
31317 | Goyal, Tarun | Objective general knowledge | Knowledge Group | .001 |
31318 | Kapoor, D C | Export management | Vikas Publishing House | 658.848 |
31319 | Mano, M Morris | Digital logic and computer design | Prentice Hall of India | 0.005 |
31320 | Mano, M Morris | Digital logic and computer design | Prentice Hall of India | 0.005 |
31321 | Augenstein, Moshe J | Data structures using C and C++ | PH I Learning | .005.73 |
31322 | Augenstein, Moshe J | Data structures using C and C++ | PH I Learning | .005.73 |
31323 | Floyd, Thomas L | Digital fundamentals | Pearson Education | .004.2 |
31324 | Floyd, Thomas L | Digital fundamentals | Pearson Education | .004.2 |
31325 | Baluja, G S | Data structures through C | Dhanpat Rai & Co | .005.731 |
31326 | Baluja, G S | Data structures through C | Dhanpat Rai & Co | .005.731 |
31327 | Baluja, G S | Data structures through C | Dhanpat Rai & Co | .005.731 |
31328 | Baluja, G S | Data structures through C | Dhanpat Rai & Co | .005.731 |
31329 | Maheswari, S K | Advanced accountancy | Vikas Publishing House | 657.046 |
31330 | Maheswari, S K | Advanced accountancy | Vikas Publishing House | 657.046 |
31331 | Khan, M Y | Financial services | Mc grawhill | 332.17 |
31332 | Libby, Patricia A | Financial accounting | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 657.3 |
31333 | Obrien, James A | Management Information systems | Galgotia | 658.403811 |
31334 | Saleem, Shaikh | Business environment | Pearson Education | 338.7 |
31335 | Lal, Jawahar | Cost Accounting | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 657 |
31336 | Banerjee, Bhabatosh | Cost accounting : Theory and practice | PH I Learning | 657.42 |
31337 | Jaffe, Jeffrey | Corporate finance | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658.15 |
31338 | Damodaran, Aswath | Corporate finance : theory and practice | wiley | 658.15 |
31339 | Berenson, Mark L | Business statistics : A first course | Pearson Education | 338.702 |
31340 | Levine, David M | Statistics for managers ;Using microsoft Excel | PH I Learning | 658.021 |
31341 | Prasanna, Chandra | Financial management theory and practice | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658.15 |
31342 | Baines, Paul | Marketing | Oxford University Press | 380.1 |
31343 | Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary | Principles of Marketing | Pearson Education | 380.1 |
31344 | Kumar, Arun | Marketing management | Vikas Publishing House | 658.8 |
31345 | Namakumari, S Ramaswamy, V S | Marketting management : global perspective Indian context | Macmillan | 658.8 |
31346 | Armstrong, Gary | Marketing : An introduction | Pearson Education | 380.1 |
31347 | Cannice, Mark V | Management : a global ,innovative ,and entrepreneurial perspective | Mc grawhill | 658 |
31348 | Chary, S N | Production and operationas management | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658 |
31349 | Ananthanarayanan, P S | Strategic management | Oxford University Press | 658.4012 |
31350 | Hill, Charles W L | Strategic management : An integrated approach | Oxford University Press | 658.4012 |
31351 | Panda, Tapan K | sales and distribution management | Oxford University Press | 659 |
31352 | Berman, Barry | Retail management : a strategic approach | Pearson Education | 659 |
31353 | Gillett, Billy E | Introduction to Operation Reserch : A Computer Oriented Algorithimic Approach | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 003 |
31354 | Sastry, S S | Engineering mathematics | PH I Learning | 510 |
31355 | Sastry, S S | Engineering mathematics | PH I Learning | 510 |
31356 | Joan, Chunkapura | Jeevithathile varaprasadangal | TRADA | 235 |
31357 | Antony, Mannarakulam and | Kudumba counselling | TRADA | 361.06 |
31358 | Joan, Chunkapura and | Kuttykalkum kaumarakarkkum karuthalum kavalumai counselling | TRADA | 361.06 |
31359 | Joan, Chukapura | Sexual education- Addiction and HIV-AIDS | TRADA | 613.9071 |
31360 | Chackochan, Kalapura and | Lahari chikilsa | TRADA | 616.86 |
31361 | Abraham, Johns | Prakaashatheeram thedi | TRADA | 616.86 |
31362 | Joan, Chunkapura and | Counselling youth and children | TRADA | 361.06 |
31363 | Joan, Chunkapura | Treatment models in addiction | Trada | 616.86 |
31364 | Sethunathan, P | Malanattupazhzma | Maluben | 894.81207 |
31365 | Gopalakrishnan, Naduvattom | Samskaramudrakal | Maluben | 894.8124 |
31366 | Benjamin, D | Sahithyagveshnathinte reethisasthram | Maluben | .001.4 |
31367 | Asha, Najeeb | Paristhibodham P Kunhiraman Nayarudeyum Vyloppillyudeyum kavithalil | Author | 894.812109 |
31368 | Benyamin, | Aatujeevitham | Green books | 894.8123 |
31369 | Benyamin, | Aatujeevitham | Green books | 894.8123 |
31370 | Benyamin, | Aatujeevitham | Green books | 894.8123 |
31371 | Mathew, Mannarakam | Poonjar : charithramuragunna punnyabhoomi | Mannarathu college | 954.83 |
31372 | Bhagyalakshmi, | Swarabhedhangal | D C Books | 927.914 |
31373 | Bhagat, Chetan | Half girlfriend | Rupa & Company | 823BHA |
31374 | Sukumar, | P S C nirantharam avarthikkunna 10,000 chodyangal | D C Books | 001 |
31375 | Sara, Thomas | Narmudippudava | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31376 | Sara, Thomas | Narmudippudava | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31377 | Sreedharan, Palliyara | P S C prayogiga ganitham | D C Books | 510.76 |
31378 | Gopinath, Muthukadu | Ee kathayilumundoru magic | D C Books | 158.1 |
31379 | Sivasankarapillai, Thakazhi | Randitangazhl | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31380 | Sivasankarapillai, Thakazhi | Randitangazhl | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31381 | Balagopalan, | Oru pravasiyute ithihasam | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31382 | Agatha, christe | Moonnamathe penkutty | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31383 | Nair, M R C | Mathsarapareekshkalkkulla ganitham | D C Books | 510.76 |
31384 | Surendran, K | Jwala | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31385 | Vijayan,O.V | Kazhakkinte ithihasangal | nbs Kottayam | 894.8123 |
31386 | Vasudevan nair, M T | M T Yudekathakal | D C Books | 894.8123008 |
31387 | Ramakrishnan, T D | Sugandhi enna andal devanayaki | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31388 | Muhammad, N P | Arabiponnu | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31389 | Raghu, J | Khar vapasi : jathiyilekulla madakkam | D C Books | 320 |
31390 | Agatha, Christie | Baghdadile nigoodatha | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31391 | Agatha, Christe | Librariyile mruthusariram | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31392 | Rajagopal kammathu, A | Prapancha muttathe viseshangal | D C Books | 523.4 |
31393 | Sreedharamenon.A | Kerala Charitra Silpikal | s,viswanathan Pub | 954.812 |
31394 | Raman pillai, CV | Marthanda varma | SPCS | 894.8123 |
31395 | Harris, Thomas A | Njanum ningalum thulyaranu | D C Books | 158.1 |
31396 | Sreelekha, R | Jagarookan | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31397 | Joseph, Jeethu | Drishyam, memories | D C Books | 791.437 |
31398 | Coelho, Paulo | The alchemist | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31399 | Marquez, Gabriel Garcia | Ekanthathayute nooru varshangal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31400 | Kuroyanagi, Thelsukko | Totto chan | National book Trust | 894.8123 |
31401 | Uroob, | Ummachu | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31402 | Balakrishnan, P K | Ini njan urangatte | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31403 | Basheer, viikom muhammed | Balyakalasakiyum kure pennangalum | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31404 | Basheer, Vikom muhammed | Mucheettukalikkrante makalum chila gadagadian novelukalum | D C Books | 984.8123 |
31405 | Basheer, viikom muhammed | Balyakalasakiyum kure pennangalum | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31406 | Basheer, viikom muhammed | Balyakalasakiyum kure pennangalum | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31407 | Lalithambika, Antharjanam | Agnisakshi | Current Books | 8948123LAL |
31408 | Lalithambika, Antharjanam | Agnisakshi | Current Books | 8948123LAL |
31409 | Pottekktt, S K | Sanchara sahithyam | D C Books | 910 |
31410 | Pottekkttu, S K | Sanchara sahithyam | D C Books | 910 |
31411 | Bhaskaran nair, Cheppad | Samakalikachinthakal | D C Books | 894.8124 |
31412 | Manikandan, K V | Moonnamidangal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31413 | Ghosh, Amitav | Dhoomanadi | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31414 | Meera, KR | Meerayude novellakal | D C Books | 894.8123008 |
31415 | Meera, K R | Kathakal | D C Books | 894.8123008 |
31416 | Anand, | Apaharikappetta daivangal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31417 | Anand, | Apaharikappetta daivangal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31418 | Benyamin, | Akkapporinte irupathu nasranivarshagal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31419 | Benyamin, | Akkapporinte irupathu nasranivarshagal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31420 | Benyamin, | Abeesagin | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31421 | Benyamin, | Abeesagin | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31422 | Benyamin, | Kathakal | D C Books | 894.8123008 |
31423 | Chandran, Subash | Manushyanu oru aamukham | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31424 | Chandran, Subash | Manushyanu oru aamukham | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31425 | Meera, K R | Aarachar | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31426 | Meera, K R | Aarachar | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31427 | Meera, K R | Aarachar | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31428 | Coelho, Paulo | The alchemist | Harper collins | 823COE |
31429 | Coelho, Paulo | Adultery | Random house | 823COE |
31430 | Bhagat, Chetan | Revolution 2020 ;Love,Corruption ,Ambition | Rupa & Company | 823BHA |
31431 | Bhagat, Chetan | Revolution 2020 ;Love,Corruption ,Ambition | Rupa & Company | 823BHA |
31432 | Bhagat, Chetan | One night @ the call center | Rupa & Company | 823BHA |
31433 | Bhagat, Chetan | One night the call center | Rupa&co | 823BHA |
31434 | Bhagat, Chetan | What young India wants | Rupa & Company | 824BHA |
31435 | Dickens, charls | Hard times | Oxford University Press | 823 |
31436 | Mathew, Mammen | Manorama yearbook 2015 | Malayala manorama | 050 |
31437 | Bhagat, Chetan | Five point someone ; what not to do at iit | Rupa & Company | 823BHA |
31438 | Hhachette, | On this day :the history of the world in 366 days | Hhachette | 001 |
31439 | Dorling Kindersley, | Ultimate visual dictionry | Darling Kindersley books | 413.1 |
31440 | Covey, Sean | Ningal edukkunna 6 pradhanapetta terumanangal | D C Books | 158.1 |
31441 | Covey, Stephen M R and | Viswasyathyute vijayam | D C Books | 158.1 |
31442 | Warrier, B S | Jeevitha vijayathinu 366 ulkazhchakal | D C Books | 158.1 |
31443 | Rashtra Deepika, | Exotic Eastern Paradise : A complete tourism directory | Rashtra deepika | 954.83025 |
31444 | George, Jose V | Yentee veedu ; a family directory of Aruvithura forane church | A K C C | 954.83025 |
31445 | Mohamed, N P | The eye of God | Macmillan | 823MOH |
31446 | Kurias, Kumbalakuzhy | Sathyathinte mukham | Media house | 894.8124 |
31447 | John, Antony J | Keralathinte vikasana sadhyathakal | Pulkood books | 330.95483 |
31448 | Murukesan, S S | Keralathile Thamizhchettikal ; swathwavum bhashatum | Ramambika books | 494.812 |
31449 | Eliel, Ernest | Steriochemistry of organic compounds | wiley | 547.1393 |
31450 | Obrien, James A | Management Information sytems | Tata Mcgraw Hill | 658.403811 |
31451 | Remanan, R P | Human rights : concept and concerns | Current Books | 323 |
31452 | Remanan, R P | Human rights : concept and concerns | Current Books | 323 |
31453 | Dumas, Alexandre | The three musketeers | S Chand | 823DUM |
31454 | S Chand, | Modern short stories | S Chand | 823.008 |
31455 | Wilde, Oscar | tales of Oscar wilde | S Chand | 823WIL |
31456 | Austen, Jane | Pride and prejudice | S Chand | 823AUS |
31457 | Stevenson, R L | Kidnapped | S Chand | 823STE |
31458 | S Chand, | Six short stories | S Chand | 823.008 |
31459 | Eliot, George | Silas marner | S Chand | 823ELI |
31460 | Verne, Jules | Around the World in eighty days | S Chand | 8230.008VER |
31461 | Bhasi, Thoppil | Thopill Bhasiyude therajedutha kruthikal | Prabhath Bookhouse | 920 |
31462 | Bhasi, Thoppil | Thopill Bhasiyude therajedutha kruthikal | Prabhath Bookhouse | 920 |
31463 | Sukumar, | Chiripusthakam | Prabhath Bookhouse | 894.8124 |
31464 | Prasanna, Rajan | Maunam kuttakaramkunnu | Prabhath Bookhouse | 894.8124 |
31465 | Yunnus Kunju, M | Ariyan yathra Fransil | Prabhath Bookhouse | 910.53 |
31466 | Surendranath, K V | Lokathinte mukalthattilude | Prabhath Bookhouse | 910 |
31467 | Nair, N C | oru samaravum kure manushyarum | Prabhath Bookhouse | 894.8123NAI |
31468 | Sathyanathan, T K | Prayogika niyamasahayi | Sree sathyam | 345.4 |
31469 | Joseph, Vadakkan | ente kuthippum kithappum | Mathrubhumi | 920 |
31470 | Joseph, Vadakkan | ente kuthippum kithappum | Mathrubhumi | 920 |
31471 | Gandhi, M K | Ente sathyanweshana pareekshakal | Mathrubhumi | 320.58 |
31472 | Rasheed, P K A | INterview vijayamargangal | Mathrubhumi | 658.31124 |
31473 | Kesavamenon, K P | Kazhinjakaalam | Mathrubhumi | 920 |
31474 | V K N, | Mananchira test | D C Books | 894.8123008 |
31475 | Kothari, Gulab | Manassum manassum | Mathrubhumi | 894.8124 |
31476 | Mathrubhumi, | Mathrubhumi thozhilvartha Fact File | Mathrubhumi | 371.26 |
31477 | Parameswaran, C R | Mounathinte shambalam maranam | Mathrubhumi | 894.8124 |
31478 | Rasheed, P K A | Ormasakthi vardhippikkam | Mathrubhumi | 158.1 |
31479 | Mathrubhumi, | Prameham ini pedi venda | Mathrubhumi | 612.396 |
31480 | T K D, Muzhappilangadu | Prasangapariseelanam | Mathrubhumi | 894.8125 |
31481 | Dickens, Charles | Prethabhavanavum mattu kathakalum | Mathrubhumi | 894.8123008 |
31482 | Jayaraj, P K | Speak and write right | Mathrubhumi | 428.3 |
31483 | Gleeson, Kerry | Vekthithanipunniam | Mathrubhumi | 158.1 |
31484 | Kesavamenon, K P | Yesudevan | Mathrubhumi | 232 |
31485 | Mukundan, M | Mayyazhioppuzhayute theerangalil | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31486 | Benyamin, | Al Arabian novel factory | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31487 | Benyamin, | Mullappooniramulla pakalukal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31488 | Bewnyamin, | Manjaveryil Maranangal | D C Books | 894.8123BEN |
31489 | Madhavikutty, | Neermathalam pootha kalam | D C Books | 894.81209 |
31490 | Shourie, Arun | Oramma padippikunna jeevithapadangal | D C Books | 920 |
31491 | Eaton, Alicia | Jeevithavijayam NLP yilute | D C Books | 158.1 |
31492 | Abdul Kalam, A P J | Ente jeevithayathra | D C Books | 925.3 |
31493 | Coelho, Paulo | Aleph | Harper collins | 823COE |
31494 | Christom, | Christom paranja narmakathakal | D C Books | 894.812008 |
31495 | Tenzing, P G | Sagaratheram muthal himalayasikharam vare | D C Books | 910 |
31496 | Kurup, O N V | Kadalsamghukal | D C Books | 894.8121008 |
31497 | Kunhabdulla, Punathil | Smarakasilakal | D C Books | 894.8123 |
31498 | Mukundan, M | Delhi gadhakal | D C Books | 894.8123MUK |
31499 | Doyle, Arthur Conan | Sherlack Homes sampoorna krithikal | universal press | 894.8123 |
31500 | Mahesh, Kidangil | Vaasthu ; aiswaryam sambathu arogyam | Aarshari | 643.12 |
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
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