Friday, 25 October 2019

Catalogue 31500 - 32000

Acc.No Author Title Publication Call.No Shelf No.
31500 Mahesh, Kidangil Vaasthu ; aiswaryam  sambathu arogyam Aarshari 643.12 49
31501 Unnikrishnakuruppu,  Rashtravijanakosam Bodieducation trust 320.3 8
31502 Prabha Kumar, T L Ente natotikathakal Aarshari 894.8123008 67
31503 Rowling, J K Harry potter and the goblet fire Bloomsbury 823ROW 59
31504 Rowling, J K Harry potter and the philosopher's stone Bloomsbury 823ROW 59
31505 Kennedy, George Electronic communication systems Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.382 48
31506 Wahab, M A Solid state physics: structure and properties of materials Narosa Publishing House 530.41 28
31507 Wahab, M A Solid state physics: structure and properties of materials Narosa Publishing House 530.41 28
31508 Padhy, K S Indian political thought PH I Learning 320.54 9
31509 Chander, Prakash and  Political theory and thought Surject Publications 320.011 8
31510 Laski, Harold J Grammar of  Political science Surjeet 320 8
31511 Chakrabarty, Bidyut Modern Indian political thought Sage Publication 320.50954 9
31512 Sharma, U Western political thought Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 320.5 8
31513 Shepley, Ross Differential Equations wiley 515.35 23
31514 Moon, Todd k Error correction coding : mathematical methods and alogorithms Wiley Eastern Pub 511.43 21
31515 Fraleigh, John B First course in abstract algebra Narosa Publishing House 512.02 21
31516 BalaSubrahamanian, T A Text book of English Phonetics for IndianStudents Macmillan 421.5 19
31517 Greenbaum, Sidney and  A university grammar of english Pearson Education 425 19
31518 Shakespear, William Julius caesar Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 822.33SHA 56
31519 Shakespear, William The merchant of venice Learners 822.33SHA 56
31520 Shakespear, William Macbeth Learners 822.33SSSHA 56
31521 Dubey, S N Political science theory Lakshmi Narain agarwal 320.01 8
31522 Johari, J C Compartive Politics Sterling Publishing House 320 8
31523 Johari, JC Principles of Modern Political Science Sterling Publishing House 320.19 8
31524 Aruldhas, G Quantum mechanics PH I Learning 530.12 27
31525 Griffiths, David J Introduction to Electro Dynamics Prentice Hall of India 537.6 30
31526 Banwell, Collin N M  Fundamentals Of Molecular Spectroscopy Tata Mcgraw Hill 541.22 32
31527 Aruldhas, G Molecular structure and spectroscopy Prentice Hall of India 541.22 32
31528 Eliel, Earnest L Sterio  Chemistry of Organic compounds Wiley 541.223 32
31529 Gaonkar, Ramesh Microprocessor  architecture, programing, and applications with the 8085 Penran inte pub 004.165 2
31530 Sedha, R S A text book of applied electronics S Chand 621.381 48
31531 Singhal, S C Human rights Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 323 10
31532 Kreyazig, Erwin Introductory  functional analysis with applications John wiley &sons 515.7 23
31533 Kennedy, George Electronic communication systems Tata Mcgraw Hill 621.382 48
31534 Rathishkumar, S Keralam naal vazhikliloode Whitepaper .001. 1
31535 Gayakwad, Ramakant A OP-Amps, and limnear integrated circuites Prentice Hall of India 621.3815 48
31536 Haykin, Simon and Moher, Michael Communication systems Wiley Eastern Pub 621.3822 48
31537 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31538 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31539 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31540 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31541 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31542 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31543 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31544 Mahatma Gandhi University Question paper 2015
31545 Potti, L R A text book of basic statistics and advanced statistical methods 519.5    P14 25
31546 Lubin, N Mathematics quiz book 510.76   P08;P13 21
31547 Garg, Rajeev Mathematics Quiz book 510.76 21
31548 Ross, Sheldon M Introduction to probability models 519.2    P14 24
31549 Feller, William An inTroduction to probability theory and its applications 519.2     N57;P14 24
31550 Feller, William An introduction to probability theory and its applications. 519.2    N66;P14.2 24
31551 Upton, Graham Oxford dictionary of statistics 519.503       P02;P11 25
31552 Rencher, Alvin C Multivariate statistical inference and applications 519.535     N98 25
31553 Weerahandi, Samaradasa Exact statisical methods For data analysis 519.5  P03 25
31554 Crawley, Michael J The R Book 519.50285    N88;P13 25
31555 Everitt, Brian An Introduction to applied multivariate analysis with R 519.535     P11 25
31556 Decreusefond, Laurent Stochastic analysis and related topics 519.23    P12 24
31557 Christensen, William F Methods of multivariate analysis 519.535   P12 25
31558 Arora, S Comprehensive statistical methods .001422      P07;P12 1
31559 Lipschutz, Seymour Introduction to probability  and statistics 519.2    P05;P11 24
31560 Mann, Prem S Introductory statistics 519.5   P10;P12 25
31561 Santhoshkumar, T K Malayala television charithram 1895-2013 070.195 4
31562 Priyadarsanan, G Keralapathrapravarthanam suvarnadhyayangal 070.92 Reference
31563 Nath, Rakesh Viswaprasidha chayagrahakar 778.5392        P12 54
31564 Ankitha, Cheerathil V P R Revisited 070.4092      P13 4
31565 Sujathan, P Charithrasakshikal 070.492    P14 4
31566 Sunny Lukose, Cherukara Madhyamapravarthanavum sargathmagathakalum 070.4      P14 4
31567 Satyajithray Apuvinotothulla ante dinangal 791.4309     P09;P14 54
31568 Mathew, Mamman Manorama year book 2016 050 Reference
31569 Paul, Thelakkat Aa manushyan njan thanne 248 5
31570 Comprtition review General knowledge encyclopedia 2017 001      P17 Reference
31571 Mangattu, Manu Vishaadarashmikal Author 894.812108 65
31572 Mangattu, Manu Vishaadarashmikal Author 894.812108 65
31573 Mg University Question Paper Degree 5th Sem 2015 070.594 Reference
31574 Mg University Question Paper Pg Exam 6th SEM 2016 070.594 Reference
31575 Mg University Question Paper Pg 2015 Third Sem 070.594 Reference
31576 Mg University Question Paper pg 2016 first sem 070.594 Reference
31577 Mg University Question Paper degree first sem 2015 070.594 Reference
31578 Mg University Question Paper Degree 2016 third sem 070.594 Reference
31579 Mg University Question Paper Degree 2015 first sem 070.594 Reference
31580 Dewire, Dawna Travis Client / Server Computing allied Pub 005 3
31581 Mukhopadhyay, Parimal Mathematical Statistics allied 519.5
31582 Grewal BS, Grewal J S Higher Engineering Mathematics Khanna Pub 510 21
31583 Mital K V, Mohan C Optimisation methodes in operations reserch and systems Analysis New age international 003. 1
31584 Pillay, C.P.Janarthanan differential Calculus kalyani 515.2 23
31585 Pillay, C.P.Janarthanan differential Calculus kalyani 515.2 23
31586 Pillay, C.P.Janarthanan vector calculas kalyani 515.3 23
31587 Pillay, C.P.Janarthanan vector calculas kalyani 515.3 23
31588 Kapur, J N Mathematical Statistics S Chand 519.5 25
31589 Ahlfors, Lars Valerian Complex analysis Mc grawhill 515.9 24
31590 Burton, David M Elementary number theory Mc grawhill 512.7 21
31591 Nag,N.K Basic Statistics Kalyani 519.5
31592 Rudin, Walter Principles of mathematical analysis Mc grawhill 515 23
31593 Thomas, George B Thomas calculus Pearson Education 515.15 23
31594 Vatsa, B.S Discrete Mathematics new age international 513.2 22
31595 Banerjee. Pranab Problems on Biomathematics New Central Book Agency 510 21
31596 Hsu, Hwei Probability , Random Variable, & Random Processes 519.5 25
31597 Hsu, Hwei Probability , Random Variable, & Random Processes 519.5 25
31598 Srivastava, T.N Statistics for Management Tata Mcgraw Hill 519.5 25
31599 Gujarati, Damodar N Basic econometrics Tata Mcgraw Hill 330.015195 11
31600 Balakrishnan, V.K Graph Theory Tata Mcgraw Hill 511.5 21
31601 Alvi, Zamir statistical Geography : Methods & applications rawat 519.5 25
31602 Apostol Mathematical Analysis Narosa Publishing House 510 21
31603 West, Duglas B Introduction to Graph Theory Pearson Education 511.5 21
31604 Walpole, Ronald.E Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists Pearson Education 519.5 25
31605 Grant, Eugene.L STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL Mc grawhill 519.5 25
31606 Veerarajan,T Probability , Statistics and Random Processes Mc grawhill 519.5 25
31607 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering new age international 005.1 3
31608 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age international 005.1 3
31609 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age india 005.1 3
31610 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age india 005.1 3
31611 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age india 005.1 3
31612 Kamal, Raj Internet and web technologies Mc grawhill 004.678 2
31613 Kamal, Raj Internet and web technologies Mc grawhill 004.678 2
31614 Kamal, Raj Internet and web technologies Mc grawhill 004.678 2
31615 Kamal, Raj Internet and web technologies Mc grawhill 004.678 2
31616 Kamal, Raj Internet and web technologies Mc grawhill 004.678 2
31617 Sommerville, Ian, Ian Software engineering Pearson Education 005.1 3
31618 Sommerville, Ian, Ian Software engineering Pearson Education 005.1 3
31619 Mano, M.Morris, M Computer system archetecture Pearson Education 004.22 2
31620 Mano, M.Morris, M Computer system archetecture 004.22 2
31621 Mano, M.Morris, M Computer system archetecture 004.22 2
31622 Mano, M.Morris, M Computer system archetecture 004.22 2
31623 Mano, M.Morris, M Computer system archetecture 004.22 2
31624 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application 005.7 3
31625 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application 005.7 3
31626 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application 005.7 3
31627 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application 005.7 3
31628 Bates, Chris Web Programming 004.678 2
31629 Bates, Chris Web Programming 004.678 2
31630 Bates, Chris Web Programming 004.678 2
31631 Bates, Chris Web Programming 004.678 2
31632 Bates, Chris Web Programming 004.678 2
31633 Dreamtech HTML 5 black book 005.13 3
31634 Dreamtech HTML 5 black book 005.13 3
31635 Negus, Christopher Linux Bible 005.432 3
31636 Negus, Christopher Linux Bible 005.432 3
31637 Negus, Christopher Linux Bible 005.432 3
31638 Negus, Christopher Linux Bible 005.432 3
31639 Negus, Christopher Linux Bible 005.432 3
31640 Matthew, Neil Beginning linux Programming 005.432 3
31641 Matthew, Neil Beginning linux Programming 005.432 3
31642 Matthew, Neil Beginning linux Programming 005.432 3
31643 Telser, Lester.G Competition, Collusion and Game theory Aldine usa 519.72 25
31644 Kehl, Jenny Rebecca Foreign  Investment and Economic Development Lyone London 332 13
31645 Panitchpakdi,Supachai China and the WTO Wiley Eastern Pub 382 18
31646 Singh, Kumari Ranjana Globalization and economic recession Economic Ressision  330.954 12
31647 Mukherjee, Debasis agricultural economics alter 338.1 14
31648 Khatarkar,Yashwant Business Economics adhyaayan 338.7 14
31649 Rao, D.Pulla Inclusive Growth issues and Measures Abhjeet 330 11
31650 Sethi, Shibaram Poverty in India adhyaayan 362.58 17
31651 Singh, Ravishankar Kumar Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development 332 13
31652 Thamilarasan,M Poverty alleviation and rural development Abhjeet 362.58 17
31653 Gustafson, Thane Capitalism Russian - Style Cambridge University Press 330.12 11
31654 sowell, Thomas Applied Economics viva Publications 330 11
31655 Kumar, Manoj Corporate Social Responsibility : contemporary issues in India adhyaayan 338.74 14
31656 Thanki, Ila.A Advanced Macro Economics adhyaayan 339 15
31657 Mazumdar, Debasish Global Financial Crisis and Vulnerability of Indian Economy adhyaayan 330.954 12
31658 Dora, A.Jitesh Rao Regional Rural Banks ( RRBs) Women Empowerment and Economic Development adhyaayan 338.9 15
31659 Vasu,M Economic Development and poverty adhyaayan 362.58 17
31660 Datta, Kanchan Regional Economic Development : some selected issues adhyaayan 338.9 15
31661 watson, Joel strategy : an introduction to game theory viva Publications 519.3 24
31662 Goldstein, Natalie Globalization and free trade viva Publications 332.15 13
31663 Bagchi,K.K Mahatma gandhi MNREGA ACT Abhjeet 340 18
31664 Pemberton, Malcolm Mathematics for Economists viva Publications 510 21
31665 Hall, Robert.E Macro economics economic growth, Fluctuations and Policy viva Publications 339 15
31666 Bhattacharyya, Ritu Global Economic Crisis : challenges & Opportunities 337 14
31667 Wooldredge, Jeffrey.M Introductory Econometrics 330.1515 11
31668 Mollah,Shahjahan Ali Macro economics and advanced business mathematics 339 15
31669 Mansfield, Edwin Microeconomics 338.5 14
31670 Kumar.S, Santhosh Micro credit and Empowerment of Women 332.1 13
31671 Williams, Kevin International Journalism 070 4
31672 Curran, James Mass Media and Society 302.2 7
31673 Ghosh, Subrato Growth of Electronic Mass Media 302.2 7
31674 Padala, Shanmukha Rao Media Education Mass media adhyayan 302.2 7
31675 Ahluwalia, J.P Social Mdia Monitoring 302.2 7
31676 Ratogi, R.D The Impact of Internet technology on the print media 302.2 7
31677 Rao, B.S Hand book of Photo Journalism 070 4
31678 Dixit, Manoj E Journalism in Digital Age 070 4
31679 Dixit, Manoj Social Media and Journalism 302.2 7
31680 Joshi, V.K Globalisation of Print and Electronic Media 302.2 7
31681 Rao, B.S Emerging Trends in Media ,Journalism and Communication 302.2 7
31682 Sahay, Deepak Mass Media and Social Change 302.2 7
31683 National Geographic National Geographic Answer Book : 10001 fast facts about our world 001 Reference
31684 Dorling Kindersley Ultimate  Family visual dictionry 413.1 19
31685 Dorling Kindersley Ultimate  Family visual dictionry 413.1 19
31686 Challoner, Jack 1001 inventions that changed the World 608 47
31687 Challoner, Jack 1001 inventions that changed the World 608 47
31688 Manser, Martin H 1001 words you need to know and use 400 19
31689 Cutts, Martin Oxford Guide to Plain English 400 19
31690 Seely, John Oxford A - Z of Grammer & Punctuation 400 19
31691 Buxton, Charlotte Oxford A - Z of Better Spelling 400 19
31692 Butterfield, Jeremy Oxford A - Z of English Usage 400 19
31693 Allaby, Michael oxford dictionary of Zoology 590.03 46
31694 Tomer, Virender Anatomy of vertebrates 596 46
31695 Brostoff, Jonathan Immunology 616.079 47
31696 KOBAYASHI, GEORGE.S Medical Micro biology 579 44
31697 Bradley, Gerald.L Single Variable Calculus 515 23
31698 Giri, Narayan.C Multivariate Statistical Analysis 519.5 25
31699 Colombini,F Partial Differential Equations and the calculus of variations vol 2 515.3 23
31700 Grimaldi, Ralph.p Discreate and combinatorial Mathematics Pearson Education 513 22
31701 Pai, K.C Mathematical Probability 519.5 25
31702 Mukherjee, Kalyan.Kr Numerical Analysis 515 23
31703 Das, A N A course of calculus 515 23
31704 Chaudhuri, Ajay.K.R Introduction to Number Theory 512.7 21
31705 Saha, Suranjan Mathematics and Statistics 519.5 25
31706 Ghosh,R.K An introduction to analysis Differential calculus New Central Book Agency 515 23
31707 Dutta,B.K, K Introduction to partial differential equations 515.353 23
31708 Das, A.N Objective Mathematics 510 21
31709 Paria, Gunadhar Linear Algebra 512.5 21
31710 Rahman,Md Motiur, Dr. Objective mathematics 510 21
31711 Veerarajan,T Probability , Statistics and Random Processes 519.5 25
31712 Rudin, Walter Real and complex analysis Mc grawhill 515.8 23
31713 Simmonns, George F Differential equation with applications and Historical Notes New Central Book Agency 515.35 23
31714 Biswas, D Probability and Statistics New Central Book Agency 519.5 25
31715 Bhuyan, K.C Probability Distribution theory and stastical inference New Central Book Agency 519.5 25
31716 Biswas, D Probability and Statistics New Central Book Agency 519.5 25
31717 Nair, N.Unnikrishnan Statistical Methods in Quality and Reliability education and publication depot 519.5 25
31718 Aliprantis, Charalambos.D Principles of Real Analysis elsevier 515.8 23
31719 Tamarin, Robert.H Principles of Genetics Mc grawhill 576.5 43
31720 Nelson, Paul.V Green House Operation and Management Pearson Education 635.95 49
31721 Sen, S Economic Botany New Central Book Agency 580 45
31722 Mukherjee, Susil Kumar College Botany vol 3 New Central Book Agency 580 45
31723 Lawlor, David.W Photosynthesis viva Publications 580 45
31724 Kumar Ethnobotony enby 572.46 43
31725 Ghosh,A.K Plant Physiology New Central Book Agency 571.2 42
31726 Trivedi, P.R Natural Resources Conservation APH 577 44
31727 Bhatacharya,Kashinath A Textbook of Botony Volume 1 New Central Book Agency 580 45
31728 Mondal, A.K ADVANCED PLANT TAXONOMY New Central Book Agency 578.012 44
31729 Pelczar, Michael J Micro Biology : an application based approach Mc grawhill 579 44
31730 Santra , S.C Environmental Science New Central Book Agency 577 44
31731 Jaiswal, A.P Bio fertilizer technology enby 571.864 42
31732 Kannan,Seshadri Advances in Plant Physiology ( from the Green to the Grain) APH 571.2 42
31733 Jaiswal, A.P Hand book of Soil, Fertilizer and Manure ENKAY 571.864 42
31734 Gangulee, Hirendra Chandra College Botany vol 2 New Central Book Agency 580 45
31735 Gangulee, Hirendra Chandra College Botany New Central Book Agency 580 45
31736 Rincon,M.A Characterization techniques of Glasses and Ceramics Springer Publishers 500.78 20
31737 Atkins, P W Physical Chemistry W.H Freeman 543 35
31738 Epstein, Irving.R An introduction to nonlinear Chemical Dynamics Oxford University Press 541.394 34
31739 DeMore, William.B Photo chemistry of Planetary Atmospheres Oxford University Press 541.35 34
31740 Smith, William.F Foundations of Material  Science and engineering Mc grawhill 620.11 47
31741 Hutchison,John.L Nanocharacterisation RSC PUBLICATION 620.5 47
31742 March, Jerry march's Advanced Organic Chemistry : Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure Wiley Eastern Pub 547 38
31743 Maity, Saroj.Kr Physical Chemistry Practical New Central Book Agency 541.3 33
31744 Kar, Ratan Kumar Fundamentals of Organic Synthesis : the retrosynthetic analysis New Central Book Agency 547.2 40
31745 Pahari, S Physical Chemistry volume 1 New Central Book Agency 541.3 33
31746 Pahari, S Physical Chemistry volume 2 New Central Book Agency 541.3 33
31747 Das, Asim.K Environmental Chemistry With Green Chemistry APH 577.14 44
31748 Carey, Freancis A Organic Chemistry Mc grawhill 547 38
31749 Chakrabarty, D K Solid state  Chemistry New age international 541.0421 32
31750 Laidler, Keith J Chemical kinetics Pearson Education 541.395 34
31751 Finan, I L Problems and their solutions in Organic Chemistry Pearson Education 547 38
31752 vogel vogels Qualitative inorganic analysis viva Publications 544 35
31753 Ramamurthy,V  Principles of Molecular Photochemistry viva Publications 547.135 39
31754 Viswanathan B,  Practical Physical Chemistry New Central Book Agency 541.3078 33
31755 Mukherjee, K.S organic spectroscopy through solved problems Sonali Publication 543.085 8 35
31756 Kumar, Jyoti Organic Photo Chemistry 547.135 39
31757 Bisht,T.N Organometallic Chemistry 547.05 38
31758 Singh, Bharat INORGANIC BIO CHEMISTRY Sonali Publication 546 37
31759 Bisht,T.N Computational Chemistry Sonali Publication 546.224 37
31760 Kumar, Jyoti Solid state chemistry Mc grawhill 541.0421 32
31761 Raghu Ramakrishnan Database management system Mc grawhill 005.7 3
31762 Hamacher, V Carl Computer Organiosation Mc grawhill 004.22 2
31763 Fairley, Richard Software engineering Concepts Galgotia 005.1 3
31764 Burd, Stephen D Systems analysis and  design Pearson Education 005.1 3
31765 Hearn, Donald Computer Graphics Pearson Education 006.6 3
31766 Hearn, Donald Computer Graphics Pearson Education 006.6 3
31767 Hearn, Donald Computer Graphics Pearson Education 006.6 3
31768 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application Pearson Education 005.7 3
31769 Levitin, Anany Introduction to the Design Analysis of Algorithms Pearson Education 512 22
31770 Levitin, Anany Introduction to the Design Analysis of Algorithms Pearson Education 512 22
31771 Mueller, Scott Upgrading and Repairing PCs Pearson Education 4 2
31772 Gore, Marvin Elements of systems analysis Pearson Education 004 2
31773 Briggs, Fare.A Computer architecture and parallel processing Mc grawhill 004.206 2
31774 Briggs, Fare.A Computer architecture and parallel processing Mc grawhill 004.206 2
31775 Briggs, Fare.A Computer architecture and parallel processing Mc grawhill 004.206 2
31776 Roy N K,  Cobol Programming Problems and Solutions Mc grawhill 005.262. 3
31777 Roy N K,  Cobol Programming including MS Cobol and Cobol 85 Mc grawhill 005.262 3
31778 Roy N K,  Cobol Programming including MS Cobol and Cobol 85 Mc grawhill 005.262 3
31779 Roy N K,  Cobol Programming including MS Cobol and Cobol 85 Mc grawhill 005.262 3
31780 Strickberger, Monroe W Genetics 575.1
31781 Walker, Jearl Principles of Physics Wiley 530
31782 Krebs,Jocelyn.E Lewin's Genes xi jones & bartlett 576.5
31783 Pavia, Donald L Introduction to spectroscopy 535
31784 Keats John, John Managerial economics 330
31785 Kothari, C R Research methodology : methods and techniques 001.4 1
31786 Webster, John INTRODUCTION TO FUNGI 580
31787 Sharma, OP Plant taxonomy 580
31788 Prasad, R K Quantum chemistry 541.28
31789 verma, k.n Micro Economic theory 338.5
31790 Morajkar, V V Managerial economics 338.5
31791 Aruldhas, G Molecular structure and spectroscopy 541.22
31792 Bhatnagar, S P The embriology of Angiosperms 580
31793 Vasishta, b.r Botany for degree students 580
31794 Pandey, B P A Text book of Botany Angiosperms 580
31795 Bahl, BS Essentials of Physical Chemistry 541.3
31796 Sharma, o p Pteridophyta: Vascular cryptogames 587
31797 Naik, Pramod V Principles of Physics 530
31798 Singh, B D Genetics 576.5
31799 Datt, Gaurav Indian economy 330.954
31800 Sharma, o p bryophyta 588
31801 Ghai, K K indian Polity 320.954
31802 Padhy, K S Indian political thought 320.54
31803 Padhy, K S Indian political thought 320.54
31804 Avasthi, A P Indian Governemtn and Politics 320.954
31805 Agarwal, D.R Mathematics and Statistics in Economics 519.5
31806 Lodge, David Modern Criticism and theory 809
31807 Nayar, Pramod K Contemporary literary and cultural theory 820.9
31808 Abrams, M H A glossary of literary terms 418
31810 Bhagat, chetan one indian girl 823
31811 Nagarkar, Sudeep sorry you are not my type 823
31812 Nagarkar, Sudeep you are the password of my life 823
31813 Nagarkar, Sudeep it started with a friend request 823
31814 singh, Ravinder this love that feels right 823
31815 singh, Ravinder this love that feels right 823
31816 singh, ravinder one love happen twice 823
31817 kumar, Satish art of poetry 821
31818 Sastri, P S an apologie for poetrie 821.009
31819 Tilak, Raghukal on the subline 894.8124
31820 Avadhan, P.S an essay of dramatic poetry 822.009
31822 Shakespeare, William  a mid summer night's dream 822.33
31823 Lall, Ramji Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe 823.009
31824 Bisaria, Suresh salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children 823
31825 Kumar, Satish Indian english poetry a critical study 821
31826 Davo, Mary.S a history of American Literature 810.83021
31827 Sathyanarayana, U Bio Chemistry 577
31828 emmanuel, Mathew Development and environmental economics 338.9
31830 Jhigan, M L Micro Economic theory 338.5
31831 Obrien, James A Management Information sytems 658.403811
31834 Gupta, Shashi k Human Resource Management 658.3
31835 Gorden, E Managerial accounting 658.151
31836 SAHAF, M.A Management accounting 658.151
31838 Madhoor, D S Elements of Properties of Matter 530
31839 sakurai, J J Modern Quantum Mechanics 530.12
31840 Murukeshan R, R Modern Physics 539
31841 Murukeshan R, R Modern Physics 539
31843 Aruldhas, G Quantum Mechanics 530.12
31844 Mehta V K Principles of electronics 621.381
31845 Wong, Samuel S M Introductory nuclrar physics 539.7
31846 Aruldhas, G Classical mechanics 530.41
31847 Kittell, Charles Introduction to Solid state physics 530.41
31848 Sankara Rao, K Classical mechanics 531
31849 griffiths, David J Introduction to quantum mechanics 530.12
31850 Beiser, Arthur CONCEPT OF MODERN PHYSICS 530
31851 Krane, Kennath S Modern Physics 539
31853 Wilde, Oscar Selected work of Oscar Wilde Maple Press 823.08 58
31862 Heming Way, Ernest SELECTED STORIES 823.08
31868 AGARWAL, AMIT.M Differential Calculus 515.3
31869 laxmikanth, M Indian polity: for the U P S C civil service examinations 320.954
31870 Singh, Ramesh Indian economy 330.954
31871 Jhingan, M L Modern Micro Economics 338.5
31873 GUPTA, ALPANA Effective business communication 658.45
31874 Shukla, M C Cost Accounting 657.42
31875 RAO, R.BALAJI Advanced organic  Chemistry 547
31876 Puri B R, Sharma L R Principles of Inorganic  Chemistry 546
31877 Puri B R, Sharma L R Principles of Physical Chemistry 541.3
31878 Jain, VK Fundamentals of plant physiology 571.2
31880 Gupta, C B Human resources management 658.3
31881 aggarwal, O.P Modern Banking of India 332
31882 Kapur, Anup chand Principles of Political science 320
31884 Bhal, Arun A Text book of organic chemistry 547
31885 Mathur, DS Mechanics 530
31886 Gunavathi, K Numerical methods 519.4
31887 Sistare, hannah.S innovation in human resource management 658.3
31888 Azaroff, Leonid V Introduction to Solids 530.41
31889 Vashishta, B R Botany for Degree students Fungi 571.295
31890 Subramanyam N, Brijlal Atomic and Nuclear Physics 539.7
31891 Spiegel, Murray R Complex variables 515.9
31892 Andrilli, Stephen elementary linear Algebra 512.5
31893 Akhtar, Ahsan text book of differential calculus 515.3
31894 Chhabra, T.N human resource management 658.3
31895 Madhoor, D S Elements of Properties of Matter 530.412
31896 Aruldhas, G Molecular structure and spectroscopy 541.22
31898 Mathur, DS Mechanics 530
31899 Murugan, v QUANTUM MECHANICS 530.12
31900 Narayan, Shanti Elements of real analysis 515.8
31901 Mankiw, N.Gregory principles of micro economics 338.5
31902 Fraleigh, John B a First course in Abstract algebra 512.02
31903 Walker, jearl principles of physics 530
31904 Bhardwaj, A.P common law admission text CAT 340.73
31905 Jain, T S Upkars bank clerical cadre recruitment exam 658.4076
31907 Aggarwal, R S Quantitative Aptitude 371.26
31908 Tomar, Surekha CSIR/UGC/NET/JRF/SET physical science 530.76
31909 Aggarwal, R S A Modern approach to verbal & non verbal reasoning 153.9334
31910 Bhagat, Madhukar General studies Paper1-2017 001
31911 Bhagat, Madhukar General studies Paper11-2017 001
31912 Abdul Kalam, AP J Ignited minds Unleashing the power within India 920
31914 George, K M sahitya charitram prasthanagaliloote 894.81209 68
31916 Narayanan, Aju.K FOLKLORE Paatangal Patanangal 894.8124 68
31918 Beauvoir, Simone De Second Sex 158.1 5
31919 ashitha Jathakakathakal d.c.books 894.8123 67
31920 Freud, Sigmund a general introduction to psycho analysis d.c.books 150 5
31921 Doyle, Arthur canan A Study in Scarlet d.c.books 894.8123 67
31922 chandrika, sankaranarayanan Vayalar ramavarma Rithubhedangalkku varnam pakarna kavi d.c.books 894.8121092 66
31923 Sanoo,M.K Dhurantha nadakangal SPCS 894.8122 65
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31965 Raj.M.P.Lipin Nigal kum jaikkam civil service d.c.books 158.1 5
31966 Khera, Shiv Nigalkum vijayikkanakum bloomberry 158.1 5
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31974 Bewnyamin Manjaveryil Maranangal d.c.books 894.8123BEN 67
31975 Kamthane, Ashok N Programming in C Pearson Education 005.262C 3
31976 Kamthane, Ashok N Programming in C Pearson Education 005.262C 3
31977 Kamthane, Ashok N Programming in C Pearson Education 005.262C 3
31978 Kamthane, Ashok N Programming in C Pearson Education 005.262C 3
31979 Subburaj, R Programming in C Pearson Education 005.262C 3
31980 Kamthane, Ashok N Programming in C Pearson Education 005.262C 3
31981 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application Pearson Education 005.7 3
31982 Elmasri, Ramez Database systems : models,languages, design, and application Pearson Education 005.7 3
31983 Hayes, John.p computer architecture and organization Tata Mcgraw Hill 004.206 3
31984 Hayes, John.p computer architecture and organization Tata Mcgraw Hill 004.206 3
31985 Stallings, William Computer organisation and architecture : Designing for performance Pearson Education 004.22 3
31986 Stallings, William Computer organisation and architecture : Designing for performance Pearson Education 004.22 3
31987 Ram, Badri Fundamentals of Micro processors and micro computers Dhanpat 004.165 3
31988 Horowitz, Ellis Fundamentals of data structures in C universities press 005.73 3
31989 Augenstein, Moshe J Data structures using C and C++ Pearson Education .005.73 3
31990 Augenstein, Moshe J Data structures using C and C++ Pearson Education .005.73 3
31991 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age international 005.1 3
31992 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age international 005.1 3
31993 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age international 005.1 3
31994 Aggarwal, K K Software engineering New age international 005.1 3
31995 Pressman, Roger s Software Engineering : A practetioners approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.1 3
31996 Pressman, Roger s Software Engineering : A practetioners approach Tata Mcgraw Hill 005.1 3
31997 Gore, Marvin Elements of systems analysis galgotia 004 3
31998 Gore, Marvin Elements of systems analysis galgotia 004 3
31999 Gore, Marvin Elements of systems analysis galgotia 004 3
32000 Gore, Marvin Elements of systems analysis galgotia 004 3

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